View Full Version : Rats are here!!!!!!

07-29-04, 07:47 AM
Well the rats are here!!!. After waiting for a while I finally have a large shipment of rats coming in from Rodent Pro. They have been very busy the last little while. Plus the amount of paper work and to find a shipping company that would deliver frozen rats and mice is damn near impossible. I got a call last night around 10 pm and the rats were crossing the boarder. So I am on my way to pick up the 2800 lbs of dead rodents. lol Hope the cops stop me on the way home.

I will get the rats all unpacked and make a trip to Calgary and Edmonton on the weekend. If you have been waiting for this order give me a email and I will get it together for you and we can meet. I am short on a few of the sizes but will let you know if I can fill your order. I will be placing another order on Mon to have another shipment in time for the Red Deer show.

07-29-04, 04:16 PM
Better late than never! :D

07-29-04, 05:12 PM
Originally posted by Invictus
Better late than never! :D

Unless we're talking about male patterned baldness.... but we aren't. :D

So Walter, you would need orders soon if we want things in time for Red Deer?

07-29-04, 07:37 PM
Walter... have you got a price list at all, and are you willing to ship? Just curious... my local guy isn't breeding rodents anymore, so I'm kind of looking around to see what other suppliers are out there...

Thanks :)


07-30-04, 06:58 PM
Ditto here, if you are bringing some to Red Deer I may pick a few up for my adult snakes.

Walter's pricelist is here. (http://www.miceandthings.ca/products.html)

08-01-04, 04:06 AM

08-01-04, 12:58 PM
GONG! Next! :D