View Full Version : feeding question

07-29-04, 07:07 AM
Hi everyone. I have an albino cornsnake that I acquired from someone else a couple months ago. She (I think) is approximately 32 inches long and was hatched sometime in '02. I have been feeding her a small adult mouse every 7 days. Every week, by day 5 she is hungry again. By day 5 she is roaming the cage and following my movements all the time. Should I feed her every 5 days instead of every 7 days? Thanks.

07-29-04, 08:40 AM
feeding every five days is fine, it's pretty hard to over feed a growing snake! good luck and enjoy!

07-29-04, 08:45 AM
Yup! Joe is right. It's hard to over feed a growing snake. I usually feed all my baby colubrids (corns, kingsnakes, etc) every four days until they are a year old, after that every 7 is fine. Every 5 is also fine. :)


07-29-04, 09:05 AM
Good sign that she is hungry before you feed her - great for them to get some exercise 'hunting' before they get a meal, but I agree, corns will put all the food they get into growth when they are young. You might also consider giving her a full sized adult mouse insead of a smaller one,

Be great if you could post pictures - always great to see more corns!

mary v.

07-29-04, 09:10 AM
At approximately 2 years old and 32 inches, how much growing does she have left to do?

And thanks for the replies everyone. I think I'll switch her to feeding every 5 days. I have no pics of her now, but I'll work on it!

07-29-04, 09:18 AM
Most corns will grow larger than 32 inches....your's has some growing to do.

Although some do stay small at around 36 inches.
