View Full Version : Red - eye special (pics)

07-28-04, 08:18 PM
I took my patternless albino outside on Saturday for a photo session. I made sure he wasn't in direct sunlight, kept him shaded. Yet he still squinted or kept his eyes closed most of the time. I didn't think it was worth putting him through the bright light ordeal just for pictures, so he went back inside after just a few of minutes. I did get one picture of him with his eyes open though.


Here's a close-up of his eye. It leaves no doubt that he's an albino :)


07-28-04, 08:23 PM
1)You Have A Great looking Nice Red-Eyed Gecko,I wish my Tremper had that much red in its eyes,mostly only pinkish though
2)Great Cam :D

Double J
07-28-04, 08:34 PM
When you said "Red-eyes".... I thought you mean't tree frogs :)

Great pics Hilde

07-28-04, 08:36 PM
3 things i thought of:

1) red-eye tree frogs
2) an albino leo
3) the color of your eyes after smoking some weed lol

very nice pics

07-29-04, 09:52 AM
Caught you off guard, huh? :)
He's very sensitive to light, even indoors he'll squint if it's a bright sunny day. There's no light over his enclosure, all he gets is what's in the room but he still doesn't like it. Makes me wonder why he's so susceptible to light while the Trempers and Rainwaters don't seem to mind it much.