View Full Version : Yet another Question,This time on humidity

07-28-04, 01:06 PM
Now i know people say mist twice daily maybe 5 times every few days for hatchlings/babbies(which i have),and that it needs to be around 70% humidity all times in the cage...But i havent got my hydrometer yet,im getting it tomorrow night, so how exactly can i tell whats too much,i spray twice a day now,the paper towel substrate is always damp/wet but after a while the walls of the tank get dry,when they mean 70%,can someone describe me how its supposed to look?Whether you need to see the lil droplets at the bottom or not,and i have a screen top but i but about 3-3.5/5's covered by glass to try to get good humidity and good ventalation,i got soil that holds humidity well but the crsties till a hatchling so unless someone tells me otherwise the soils out of the question.

Oh yeah i was also thinking maybe i could put in the soil mix but put something over it so the crestie doesnt getany near it,like a few layers of papertowel??The dirt is easy to pack down and etc,what do you think???

Thanks For looking :)

07-28-04, 01:20 PM
The cage should dry out between mistings. If the papertowel in the cage is always damp you run the risk of causing mold to grow on it, which could potentially cause all sorts of problems with your crested. I mist all my hatchlings twice a day, and a little heavier when they are about to shed. I would keep using the papertowels for now, and think about using a "soil" type subsrate when he/she is older and if you want to set up a more naturlistic vivarium.

07-28-04, 02:06 PM
What age do you mean when you say "when he/she is older"?

07-28-04, 02:57 PM
Well now ive decided to turn the 5 gallon on its side making it taller,but now humidity might be hard to get in,well anyways once i get the hydrometer ill know how much i need :D

07-28-04, 03:42 PM
I would imagine (but I'm not scientist) that humidity would be the same or higher on the side since it can't evaporate up.

07-28-04, 04:12 PM
Tigergenesis-I never wouldve thought of it that way thx :D the only thing im worried about is if my lil guy/girl falls now.everythings secure but sometimes it has trouble sticking when its wet