View Full Version : Second clutch....blech

07-28-04, 11:31 AM
Well my snow female who already laid a first clutch of 25 fertile eggs + 3 slugs has now laid her second clutch which turned out not that great.....5 possible fertile eggs, and 6 or so slugs. One of the slugs had actually burst all over the other slugs and good eggs, and it was a MESS. yuck.

Anyways here is a pic of the "fertile" ones next to their brother and sisters who are on day 55. I believe Tim Cranwill guessed this first clutch would hatch on day 56 when I mentioned what temps I am incubating at. So he might just be right!!! Anyways the ones I can see red viens in are circled in red, the ones circeled in black are pretty iffy and I am sure 2 out of 3 at least are slugs but it doesn't hurt to hope!

<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Snakes/babycorn/eggs07-28-04.jpg">

So, basically she has put out 30 fertile eggs in total this season, with about 10 slugs. Not bad. I think next year this girl will be laying even larger clutches, well at least you hope so eh Matt_K? :)


07-28-04, 11:38 AM
Wanted to add....this second clutch had MUCH more calcium than the first clutch. The first clutch, although you cannot tell in the pic, has 100% CLEAR windows in almost every single egg. I can see EXACTLY whats going on inside them. Anyways since they were sooo poorly shelled I supplemented all her rats with calcium and it seems to have helped. I am going to continue giving her supplements for a few feedings still.

Her perfect eggs from last year:
<img src="http://8snakes.myftp.org/marisa/Snakes/babycorn/bb207-26-03.jpg">


07-28-04, 01:32 PM
30 is definitely nothing to frown upon. I was ecstatic with 21 and 3 slugs. But luckily, if kept healthy, this species seems to get better and better with every breeding. Good luck with the little ones!

07-28-04, 01:39 PM
Best of luck with those Marisa - frustrating with less than perfect eggs - we have had a couple clutches with some that candled fine - veins and all and then went on to die early - some just not meant to be. Just wish I could figure out what goes wrong, when some turn out like that.

Good luck with those new ones,

mary v.

07-28-04, 07:58 PM
Congrats on the second clutch and good luck with the up coming hatchlings~!!