View Full Version : Lil ******* got out
07-27-04, 07:59 PM
So i get home at 5pm and check on Slim. He's in there just chillin. I check again around 7pm and he's no where to be found. I checked his hides about five times each because i couldnt believe it. I have his rubbermaid on the top of my dresser which is about 4 1/2 feet high. First of all i have no idea how he got out of the rubbermaid, secondly i have no idea how the hell he made it down 4 1/2 feet unless he grew some wings. About a hour later the corner of my eye caught the end of his tail by the corner of my desk. I now have a boulder on the top of the rubbermaid. Hopefully his little run around my room made him hungry enough to eat on his own and i wont have to assist feed him tomorrow
07-27-04, 08:03 PM
balls are escape artists....keeps you on your toes
07-27-04, 08:07 PM
now that he's escaped he seems to be even more interested in the top of the rubbermaid.........
07-27-04, 08:20 PM
if you ever watch him in the middle ofthe night, all he'll do all night long is cruise along the lid looking for a way out
07-27-04, 08:23 PM
well he better grow some muscle cause i have two big rocks on the top of the rubbermaid now. If he gets out then im hangin the rubbermaid from the ceiling
07-27-04, 08:31 PM
studies have shown that snakes remember how they got out, and do it again in half the time. good thing you have those rocks.
Why would you hang the rubbermaid from the ceiling? If he got out the fall could do him serious damage and could be fatel if he falls the wrong way. Glad to hear you found your snake though. I usually duck tape each side down and then just remove it when i clean the water and then put the duck tap back on.
Good luck in the future with your ball
07-27-04, 11:41 PM
I think he was being sarcastic there, Nicky
btw: tape + snakes= severe injury
07-27-04, 11:50 PM
Still assist feeding?? Wow. I hope one of the mods, or you yourself, changes the subject line of your message. Describes you better than it does your snake.
big sigh-
07-27-04, 11:52 PM
Do NOT use tape with ANY sort of a snake set up. Rule #1 for snakes. Always has been, always will be. Tape is bad. Did I mention that tape was bad?
Why would you hang the cage from the ceiling? Just to watch your pet snake get hurt?
07-27-04, 11:53 PM
You can't successfully keep snakes in rubbermaids with those plastic lids that come with them.
Toss the lid out and make a wooden frame that the tray barely slides into. You don't necessarily need an entire multi unit "rack" but a simple box for one tray would work.( sorta like a drawer)
The problem with weights is eventually you'll forget to replace them while changing the water or feeding or holding..
Years ago, back in the 70's snakes were commonly kept in waiters bus trays with solid sheets of glass for lids...Same basic problem, you stack them up so the one on the bottom doesn't get serviced,because its too much work to open it, and eventually snakes learn to push the glass over and escape...
Best to make yourself a mini rack.. weights, tape,rubber bands and flexible snap on lids are just going to let you down, and end up with another front page escaped snake story
As for how he got down from the dresser; gravity tends to help.
Those really large paper clips, that are used to clamp a large stack of papers together are really good for fastening rubbermaid lids.
07-28-04, 07:16 AM
I drill 8 holes in the lid of the rubbermaid and use S-Clips to hold the lid down. Takes away any give on the lid without having to make a custom lid for the cage.
07-28-04, 09:27 AM
Vengeance do you have a picture of that by any chance? I have S-clips and a rubbermad, but can't really figure out how to put them on...I feel really stupid :P My ball escaped recently, and I'd like to make sure it doesn't happen again...
I'm completely 'building-things'-challenged...It took me 12 hours to build a tv-stand from IKEA and I ended up doing it upside down and backwards :D
As for the snake getting out...while you've found him already, my best advice is to just seal the exits and wait it out.
-edited for spelling error-
07-28-04, 09:50 AM
go to the enclosure forums and check out Vengeance's thread on rubbermaid lids, jjnnbns has a few pics that show you exactly how to do it very securely
and again...I would assume that he's kidding about the rubbermaid from the ceiling, no one would do that
07-28-04, 09:54 AM
Thanks a bunch latazyo :D
07-28-04, 10:25 AM
Sarcasm people, Id never hang my rubbermaid from the ceiling and i thought most of you would understand that when i wrote it. As for me still assist feeding my snake, I usually put the rat in his cage and wait a while to see if he eats it. If he doesnt after a few hours i usually help him out. He's only eaten twice since i got him over two months ago and thats why im still assist feeding. Once he starts attacking his food i obviously wont have to anymore. SOme people on here said they had to assist feed 6-7 times before their bp started eating on their own.
07-28-04, 10:57 AM
Sarcasm people, Id never hang my rubbermaid from the ceiling and i thought most of you would understand that when i wrote it.
LOL! Got us all!
Going back and reading it, I can tell now exactly that it was just playing around. Ha ha sorry dude, should have given you the benefit of the doubt first! :)
07-28-04, 03:05 PM
I use a lot of duct tape here. Use a few pieces to secure the top he will be fine. Duct tape is our friend. Duct tape for ever!
07-28-04, 04:24 PM
Duck tape..never.
As you have read..if you read the thread..tape and snakes dont seem to get along. Once they get stuck a little bit they fight to get off and get completely covered in tape. Ive seen pictures and its not pretty...even leads to scales ripping off :eek:
07-28-04, 04:31 PM
Thats what happened to my bp a week or so ago and it was scotch tape not even duck tape. He struggled so hard that he had a decent size rip in his skin. Since then i will never use tape on the inside again. I learned my lesson and everyone else should learn from others mistakes.
07-28-04, 07:05 PM
The whole "tape sucks for snakes" thing was figured out over 20 years ago. I'm glad you leanred your lesson knads, because there's still people out there dumb enough to use it. Its crazy.
knads06, it's good to know you were just beeing sarcastic i was worried there for a sec anyways sorry for the misunderstanding good luck with your ball in the future:). As for the duck tape i was using i only put it on the outside of my tank to add extra strength because my corns and balls are pretty strong but after reading this post decide to ditch the duck tape to be on the safe side and went out and bought some clamps, because the last thing i'd want is for my snakes to suffer for my actions.Anyways rock on
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