View Full Version : a question

07-27-04, 10:03 AM
i was thinking about buying another corn and i was wandering if i could put it in with my female corn. would 2 females get a long in the same cage. i'm new at having corn snakes so please help.

07-27-04, 10:06 AM
Keeping any snakes together is not a good idea. While most can cohabitate alright, it's better to have two enclosures.

When housing two together one could get sick, and automatically you now have TWO sick snakes because they are housed together, if one regurgatates food, you won't know who...etc etc.

And snakes are mostly solitary creatures who do not live together in the wild. And if they did, a tank in a house is definitly not enough "alone" space no matter how big it is.

Don't buy another until you have another enclosure set up.


07-27-04, 10:06 AM
Well although its not recommended, there would be no probs except during feeding.

07-27-04, 10:14 AM
I agree with Marisa...

While there are many, many reasons not to house two snakes together (even two females), there isn't a single good argument for keeping them together...

Kevin McRae
07-27-04, 11:56 AM
Yep and for 10$ you don't have to worry about all those things by buying a rubbermaid.

Happy snake keeping:)

07-29-04, 09:54 AM
thankes for your help