View Full Version : Heh heh.....

07-27-04, 02:33 AM
More pictures, and more animals to come (obviously). This is why no will power + Don Patterson is doom for me.




07-27-04, 02:44 AM
Aww man I can't believe you got those, I wanted them :( heh great looking snakes Jeff

07-27-04, 08:36 AM
Uh oh!

Those things can start an even bigger addiction! Whats gonna happen when you get rid of all the jungles, rainbows, hondos, and boas for more room for those guys!?!

Nice looking critters by the way!

Brent Strande

07-27-04, 08:45 AM
Ahhhh! Super Sweet Jeff!

The ones with blue highlights are my FAVORITES! I am hoping ours will come out with some blue! Nice addition


07-27-04, 09:24 AM
lol...You stink! :D

07-27-04, 10:10 AM
Thanx guys! Marisa and jjnnbns, the pictures you turds posted is what finallt did me in!! Ha ha, for the last 6 years if resisted any temptation of getting any. It was too much. Probably 10+ by the end of summer now.



07-27-04, 10:15 AM
awesome looking snakes

07-27-04, 10:18 AM
HAHA! Well I am glad my photos could help you along the way to getting into GTP's!

Before we got ours I didn't even really like them much. My boyfriend has been obsessed for years though, and now that we own one, I can't wait to get MORE MORE MORE!

Out of all the snakes I might breed in the future, the GTP's are the only ones where I will be considering keeping the entire clutch back for myself.


07-27-04, 11:46 AM

I quit, now Green Tree Pythons too in your collection - damn.

I am going to sell everything and start in garter snakes and retire on those.



07-27-04, 01:10 PM
Holy, why must you have every snake on the planet?????????? ;)

07-27-04, 06:55 PM
Ha ha Tony and CC!!! Toooo much!

Tony man, I honestly think that I am jealous of your stuff just as much when you post pics as you say you are of mine when I post pics, ha ha!! So all I have to say is, what goes around..... LOL!!

Cheers bro. :D

07-27-04, 09:13 PM
Awesome Snake Jeff, definately on my to get list. Have fun with that one ya snake nazi.;) :D :eek:

07-27-04, 09:33 PM
Awesome Jeff!! congrats on the new additions.. I know how you feel about looking at the pics of Marisa's.. Man, everytime I see pics of hers and Chappy's, it makes me wonder why I don't own any yet.. Then I look at my bank statement and it all comes back to me....

07-27-04, 09:40 PM
did you have to nail it right in?
I hated you for having those womas...and now even the GTPs....

when can I move in?

07-27-04, 10:39 PM
Hhaha Jeff -- now I know why I've never been to Don's house... it's bad enough when I go to yours, nevermind going over to his where he's got all those thoroughly gorgeous, thoroughly out of range of my pocketbook animals. LOL.

The newbies look awesome, congrats! :D Can't wait to see them... and I think I just might have to bring mine over with me next time so you can help me sex "him"... lol. If he's the opposite of that top one with all the blue, they would make some KILLER babies together man!



(had to sneak those in there... lol... see what I mean??)

Congrats again... snake nazi indeed :p


07-27-04, 10:40 PM
sweet jeff, hows there temperment, how big are they, man where do you get the room for all the herps you got, lol congrats hope to see more pics

07-27-04, 11:45 PM
They are SWEETHEARTS! Soooo tame. They are Aru's, so they will always be that way. Totally cool. They are over 3 feet, and closing in on 3 years old. I'll get the food to them and maybe in the next couple of years, give them a go. More animals coming, obviously.

Jen, that GTP rocks!!! If its a male, we should totally do a breeding project. Both of these are females!

Cheers guys! :D

07-28-04, 11:09 AM
HAHA! Jen will actually have to work up the balls to remove hers from the rubbermaid before she can do any breeding projects Favelle.



07-28-04, 12:12 PM
A nippy one huh? ;)

At least it's got a personality though...

07-28-04, 12:26 PM

Age will catch up on you soon, so have the time of your life and buy all the snakes you can, then, when your older(SOON RIGHT:D), send them all over here!:p Dont worry, I will take good care of them!o>


Honestly, Freakin awesome additions!!! Those have BEAUTIFUL blue on them!(same with Jen's). You guys posting pics of GTP's with this beautiful blue on them is making me go nuts! Good luck with them!


07-28-04, 07:10 PM
Ha ha, thanks bro! I gotta stop this "getting everything" disease pretty soon though. Its definitely getting out of hand. LOL!! :D

Tim Schroeder
07-29-04, 01:27 PM
Good looking animals Jeff. They're hard to resist, so don't bother :) Just keep getting more and more and.....


07-29-04, 05:14 PM
Ha ha I hear ya Tim. I think we are all "lost causes" and sooner we accept it, the quicker we can get more snakes!!! Heh heh....;)

Don Patterson
07-29-04, 05:37 PM
wow jen !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that chondro would do some of the big guys in the usa proud.
that is a nice animal. congrats.

07-29-04, 07:44 PM
Thanks Don! :D Hard to believe it's the same little guy you picked up from the airport last may, eh? ;) He was an amazing neonate, and I'm SUPER happy with how he's turned out... now, I just need to figure out if "he's" actually a he :p LOL....

And Marisa... :p I open the rubbermaid... just not without my gloves on... lol. And/or a rat to distract him with... lol... At least he doesn't immediately strike at me as soon as I open the tub anymore... progress has been made! ;)

07-29-04, 10:08 PM
Bowels- HAHAHA well better start working with him now, or hope he stays nice and small ;)

Our guy has become "o.k." since we started handling him longer during cage cleaning. But we haven't made any special attempts to calm him. I can easily change his water or spot clean without even a strike luckily.
