View Full Version : Hondo Hatchlings

07-24-04, 09:40 PM
Well, Here come the hondos. Looks like it will be interesting. This first one is looking rather bright. I'll post lots of pics as they hatch out.

Roy: I'm beginning to think that you weren't kidding that she could be het "lots".



07-24-04, 10:11 PM
Looking good Bri!! I still get pretty excited when my hondo eggs hatch... They are the most gorgeous of all triangulum hatchlings in my opinion.
That female represents over 12 years of selective breeding so you should have some bright wide banded babies
You might get some aberrant bands too but they likely won't be extreme as I think your male is from another line so he'll dilute any tendancy towards striping and "vanishing". It's in her genotype, but its not simple recessive. If by chance you get any babies with funky elongated bands they would need to be raised and bred back to mom and each other if you wish to amplify the trait to create "vanishings"
As you know, I never liked the vanishings but lots of peope do. I do however think they'd look dynamite as albinos and hypos

07-24-04, 11:06 PM
Oooh, cool! Congrats, Brian. :)

I look forward to seeing all the pics! :D

07-24-04, 11:49 PM
Congrats bud, bring on the pics!

07-25-04, 12:19 PM
Fantastic news - the first one looks great - hondos are so bright! Can hardly wait for more pics!

mary v.

07-25-04, 05:07 PM
Sweeeeeeeet! Just got back from Van. bro, I was hoping you'd have a Hondo hatching pic. Wonder what Crannie has cooking?

Congrats! :D

07-25-04, 06:33 PM
Can i put into words...how estatic i am.




07-25-04, 06:56 PM
Hey and look at that perfect band symmetry..
Good for you Brian...that's what its all about!

07-25-04, 06:58 PM
Very purdy Brian!

Does this puppy have high band count or what! Good job man.

Keep those pics coming

07-25-04, 06:58 PM
Very nice~
I love all those bands on it~
The colors are great, the patterns are perfect and such big


07-25-04, 07:15 PM
Oh man, that's a beauty in the first pic! :D Super cool!!!!

Jeff, they are due in and around the first week of August. I thought you were counting the days though! :p :D

07-25-04, 07:31 PM
Awesome babies!

13 days until Crannie's eggs hatch out! ;)

07-26-04, 02:53 PM

what beauties!



07-26-04, 06:04 PM
Wow, they certainly taking their time. They sit for 24-48 hours with their head poked out before venturing out. This one is showing some of her mothers traits. One of the others is really orange.




07-26-04, 06:33 PM
hay brian howmuch for the last one it is soo COOL paul cangrads
great looking little ones or should i say big ones lol.

07-26-04, 06:59 PM
Wow Brian super nice lot of rings on the snake nice job.

07-26-04, 07:33 PM
There's currently a waiting list Paul. We'll have to see what is left over when the vultures have had their fill.


07-27-04, 11:18 PM
Beautiful babies Brian (wow, lots of b's in that sentence... lol...)... congrats!! :D I especially love that second baby with the aberrant banding... VERY cool! Can't wait to see what the rest of them look like...


07-28-04, 08:36 PM
Here are pics of all the current hondos that have decided to come out their eggs.



Check back for the seven i am still waiting for.

07-29-04, 09:20 AM
Will be checking back often - they look gorgeous - such a variety - great looking hondos!

mary v.

07-30-04, 09:06 AM
Well, Here's an interesting development...My 14 good eggs have turned into 13 babies. There is simply no way that one could have escaped. There are 2 remaining that have pipped, 10 healthy ones and one that is not doing so well. humph!
Maybe they really are vanishing patterns Roy. lol!


07-30-04, 09:30 AM
That is too weird - any chance one is buried in the vermiculite if the eggs are still in the container. I had one corn down underneath that I nearly missed. The rest are looking fantastic - some real keepers in that clutch!

mary v.

07-30-04, 09:30 AM

07-30-04, 11:30 AM
maybe cannibalism? it happened to me once with baby sinaloans. but you would probably be able to tell who did the eating.

07-30-04, 11:55 AM
vanishing patterns....Yeah, sounds like it. LOL
No its not cannibalism...Brian one has simply escaped when you weren't looking... I've had it happen, as recently as last night when a tray of everglades exploded when I took the lid off. Oh I found them all, but it was pandamonium for a few minutes. You ought to try holding a dozen rat snakes in two hands while putting a lid on...
Mary is probably right.. either it was still in the substrate when you put the tray into storage, or it jumped out when you were packaging them and didn't notice it.
Here's a tip, whenever you remove babies from the egg tray, always put the lid back on ASAP even if you think it is empty and are shelving it for next year.
The best way to deal with packaging babies is putting the egg tray in a garbage can, or big rubbermaid tup while you're collecting them and transferring them to delis or shoeboxes.
Unfortunately I don't follow my own advice, which frequently results in snake hunts, as I suspect you will soon undertake.

By the way, have you been chewed on by them yet... You'll enjoy that.

07-30-04, 12:38 PM
By the way, have you been chewed on by them yet... You'll enjoy that. ....LOL Roy...funny but very true, thats what makes them so appealing. colorful babies with an attitude!

Brian, a baby pulled a fast one on you eh? don't worry, I once lost a baby hondo fresh out of the egg and found him 9 months later with a few extra grams and very healthy.

07-31-04, 10:55 AM
It was interesting trying to get all the individual photos. I was chewed a few times. I bet sexing them is going to be fun.
I've begun to second guess myself if there was 14 there in the first place. I know the real answer to that one. I hope the movers have some luck when they are moving everything out of my house when we move in a few weeks. I cant find it anywhere. There are to many places in my basement to even consider hauling it apart.
