View Full Version : My new cage design

07-24-04, 08:00 PM
Well, now that I have the right tools, I've been able to implement some ideas I've had to improve my cage design.

Here's a front view of them:


I'm now using 2 "litter dams", 3" each instead of the old 6" litter dam idea, which allows for better viewing of the snake inside. I didn't get pictures of the vent, but there is a floor vent (one of the ones you can open and close) in the right hand side.

Also, no more exposed bulbs! Here's the housing:


I prefer using light bulbs as the heat source, because despite some arguments against the use of them, I am able to get my temperatures exactly where I need them both ambiently and on the surface. They are cheap as hell to buy, and don't even cost much to run. (I think a 40 watt bulb running 12 hours a day costs a little over 2 dollars a month.)

The housing is just melamine with hardware cloth solidly framed in.

So this presents a challenge... how do you change the light bulb without stripping the screw holes in the particle board? Well, the answer is, a door!:


Well, that's it for now. If anyone wants any of these cages, keep your eye on the classifieds, and I'll have some at the Red Deer and fall TARAS shows in white, black, and oak melamine, and maybe even a couple in real oak.

Thanks for looking. :)

07-26-04, 09:26 PM

07-26-04, 09:38 PM
Very nice Ken! Awesome job! I just wish I was as handy as you are. I get my wife to help me build my racks, she loves it.
Take care,

07-27-04, 08:07 AM
Oh, Erin loves it too. We sometimes make an afternoon of it. :)

07-27-04, 11:54 AM

Set me up, I need 47 of those by Friday, any later I get another 30 free - agreed?




07-27-04, 11:55 AM
Pay up dude. :D

08-05-04, 05:31 PM
You don't happen to live in northern california do you?? lol. Do you know of any sites that have good cage designs?? I like your, but you run a buisness, so I wouldn't want to knock off your design, but you aren't local I wouldn't be able to buy one from you. Anyway, love your cages!

08-05-04, 08:37 PM
Thanks for sharing. Always good to add idea's to my head for next time im planning to build a cage. :D Looks great!

08-05-04, 10:46 PM
With a little work on the details (more soft ends) this structure rocks!
Seing your job with cages I think I' ll have to put myself down to work to carry out those diagramms I made 2 years ago.:D
I'll maybe make a post about that to share ideas.

08-05-04, 11:27 PM
Beauty cages Ken! Great Ideas!


08-05-04, 11:46 PM
cool, you just gave me an idea for my heat lights in my next cages. Thanks!

Greg West
08-06-04, 05:35 AM
The only problem with this that I see is the heat is directed only straight down. Not sure if that is true or not as I have never done it that way before, but thats what I thought of when I initially saw it. If you made the box bigger there would be a bigger area that the light and heat would cover.


08-06-04, 04:00 PM
Greg, the light housing creates a wider basking spot than you would think. The housing is 10" x 10", but it creates a warm spot about 15" wide, which is great for a 4' cage. Also, it does heat the ambient temp quite nicely. With a 40 watt bulb, the ambient is usually about 82 during the day, with the basking spot being 92.