View Full Version : thinking about getting a corn snake

07-24-04, 02:00 PM
ok i was looking into a snake and i was thinking about getting a ball python but then someone suggested a corn snake cuz they wont get as big and wont cost as much to keep. so i have a 40 breeder that i had my tortoise in till i found out that they souldnt b in tanks cuz they dont understand glass and it stresses them out. and i wanted to find out whats the easiest corn too keep whats the cost going to b like whats a good place to get it and whats a good site that will have info on corn snakes. thanks

07-24-04, 02:18 PM
I have the basic caresheet on my web site.

Go to my web site at

I have corns there and a care sheet that you can look at

you can also contact me at simon@extremesnakes.com

07-24-04, 02:22 PM
I now have both corns and balls, and I must say the corns are much better as a first snake. Their feeding responses are un beatable and so far all three of my corns eat like garberators. My ball on the other hand, like most, is a very picky eater. I only very recently got him onto rats..and it wasnt easy.

If this is your first snake get a corn...if you've had some experience with snakes before then you can try a ball. They are great snakes but imo corns are a better first because it can be frusterating or a bad first snake experience when your ball goes on a hunger strike for 5 months! :eek:

07-24-04, 02:25 PM
For a bunch of basic caresheeets try http://www.kingsn@ke.ca/TARAS/contents/care.htm you'll have to replace the @ with an a for it to work as this site won't support link otherwise. Mark

07-24-04, 02:38 PM
Arnt their caresheets on this site as well?

07-24-04, 04:33 PM
Since you're in the states ( I think I saw you were in the US) here are some well known breeders you should check out:


07-24-04, 06:13 PM
thanks for help and the links