View Full Version : Corns Hatching and biggest surprise of the year!!!

07-24-04, 12:09 PM
Well, the corns started pipping yesterday!! 10 eggs, from a charcoal male bred to a Miami phase (normal female). The idea was to create some charcoal hets.

Imagine my surprise when 2 of the noses that were poking out were completely grey!!

And then this morning, I check on the first 2 out of the eggs. One beautiful normal and a charcoal!!!!!!! I had NO idea that Trinity, the proud mom, was a charcoal het!!! Now of course, I have to breed her to an Amel to see if she's het blizzard. That would make me ecstatic!

Pics later today!

07-24-04, 12:24 PM

A nice surprise, for sure. :)

Pics? :p

07-24-04, 01:36 PM
Congrats on the hatchlings~!

07-24-04, 02:37 PM
Are all corns like that now a day...just totally mixed up genetics?

07-24-04, 07:36 PM

Here's what I saw when I woke up yesterday morning. This is when I said "Hey, two of those noses look very grey...:


A nice little normal head poking out:


This was really cool.. I actually got to witness a pip right from the beginning. The egg started moving, and then:


And of course, what made me dance with excitement... is that a charcoal head I see????


First 2 out of the egg, a beautiful normal and a charcoal:


This guy's name is going to be "Mr. Bitey Pants". :)


And another beautiful charcoal het:


Only 4 out of the egg so far, but from the looks of things, the final count is going to be 6 charcoals, 5 normals. And I still have another 11 eggs cooking from the double clutch!

Thanks for looking. :)

Jungle Jen
07-24-04, 08:00 PM
Absolutely amazing! Congrats Ken!

07-24-04, 08:04 PM
Thanks. :)

07-24-04, 08:43 PM
Very cool Ken, gotta love those surprises....that one charcoal doesn't realize that he is a corn and that he isn't that tough hehe


07-24-04, 09:25 PM
I can tell that this was really exciting for you - Too bad I know very little about Corn Morphs. Looks like I gotta crack open the Corn Manual to figure out what's so exciting! :D

Congrats though, I DO know that they look very nice...

07-25-04, 12:13 PM
Awesome! Good luck with the little guys. That's sure a sweet surprise eh?

What kind of moss are they on?

07-25-04, 12:39 PM
That's sphagnum moss. They are actually on vermiculite, but I put moss over top of the eggs to keep moisture up and mold away.

07-25-04, 12:48 PM
Well, 9 out of 10 babies are out of the egg now. The one still in its egg is also a charcoal, so the final count is 7 Charcoals, 3 normals. Not bad odds eh?? I can't wait for the other 11 to hatch now!

07-25-04, 12:58 PM
Grat pics - very cute little guys - neat when they are so defensive!

The odds gods really are favoring the anery morphs this year - another clutch with more than expected! Congrats on these - will be neat to see if things balance out with the next clutch,

mary v.

Kevin McRae
07-25-04, 01:13 PM
kewl.......good luck with your little youngin:)

07-25-04, 02:04 PM
Congrats Ken. I too just had a bunch of pleasent surprises in a clutch that just hatched. I bred a Snow male to my normal Talahasse female that was supposed to be pos het albino. Well I got regs, amels, anerys, snows, ghosts & hypos WOO HOO! One of the first ones out was a hypo so I was pretty eggcited to see the rest. First anerys & first hypos produced here (well been lots of ghosts LOL). 6 morphs from one clutch anyhow, genetics out the ying yang Heh Heh Mark

07-25-04, 04:35 PM
HOLY!! That's darn cool Mark!!!

Hypos, I haven't seen one of those in a long while.

07-25-04, 04:53 PM
Congrats & Nice Pics


07-25-04, 05:03 PM
Oh man, knowing how much you LOVE anerys Ken, you must have been doing backflips man!!!

Congrats! :D

07-25-04, 05:52 PM
I've been doing backflips and many other stunts that I didn't know I could do, Jeff! I mean, to find out my favorite girl is a good breeder is one thing... to find out she's an Anery het is another... and to get 7 out of 10 in the first clutch, MAN... I'm ecstatic!

Mark - so you'll be selling the babies as "het for damn near everything" eh? hehehe

07-25-04, 06:18 PM

07-25-04, 06:41 PM
Haha! Congrats Ken! Good luck with those little ones!


07-26-04, 01:02 PM
Nice stuff man!