View Full Version : blue green tree python

07-24-04, 07:48 AM
ah... anyone can tell me which website shows blue green tree python and its price?

07-24-04, 09:49 AM

Tim Schroeder
07-24-04, 11:54 PM
You can see some great blues on Greg's site which was already mentioned. A price on blue chondros? 10k and up for genetic blue, and that's in US dollars. Some of the extreme blues, Matt Murphy's for one would fetch a lot more if it were on the market.


07-25-04, 02:19 AM
10K? That makes Greg Maxwell's 2K ones look cheap, LOL.

Tim Schroeder
07-26-04, 12:53 AM
You can get offspring from blue parents as low as 2k, but for adults that have developed blue non hormonally, you'll be looking at a lot more than that. Trooper Walsh sold a mostly blue 2yr old female and a similar blue 2yr old male for 10k and 12k respectively. I know Trooper Walsh's blue pairings have recently been going for 5k per hatchling, with some going for more.


greg schroeder
07-28-04, 03:18 PM
Over in Europe there's a nice blue male that's been paired up. If you wanted to see a picture, here's a link from The Green Dream Forum.

Link from The Green Dream Forum (http://chondroforum.bogusz.org/viewtopic.php?t=620)

If this "Blue Granit" male produces it might be an intersting way to get unrelated blue blood to breed into some of the American blue designer lines.

Tim Schroeder
07-29-04, 01:38 PM
Good link Greg. A one of a kind green tree for sure. Here are some more links.

www.herpetologic.net - A great variety of chondros, including one that has become my favorite blue, Dream. She's a beaut. Sean also has some pics of Mr Blue, probably the nicest non hormonal blue out there.

newlair.chondroforum.com - Tomm has a great female, Etta. One of only three from Greg Maxwell's incredibly potential pairing of Aquaman and Aquagirl. I was next on the list to get one of those :(

www.arborealadventures.com - Buddy and Erin have a great collection as well, with a really nice blue female. Check out the blackish chondro on their front page :)

www.arborealaddict.com - Dave has a nice WC blue male here, with a couple nice females as well.

Swing over to the chondroforum at chondroweb.com. There is a great post "Ok everyone...a fun question...." Check out Matt Murphy's post.
