View Full Version : Look what i can do...

07-22-04, 02:38 PM
this lil bugger is such a show-off. woke up this morning to find him chillin right outside his temp enclosure as pleased as ever just sitting there looking at me as to say, "just showing you i can get out..." i have no idea how long he was there, i guess the lid wasn't secured properly last night (wont happen again though ;)) but he didnt look like he wanted to go very far, he just sat there contently. he basically came right to me when i reached for him ,and casually went back into his hide when i put him back in his enclosure. sneaky lil snake he is..lol. Just thought id share this.


07-23-04, 02:29 PM
Yikes! That's no good!! :p Glad you caught him before he really took off, though!