View Full Version : questions regarding Dendrobates auratus care sheet information

07-22-04, 09:54 AM
I am reading a care sheet and I have a few questions about some of their comments

it says "do not handle with bare hands"

I thought that cbb frogs were not toxic?

it also says "do not mist animal directly"

I am afraid that during cage misting I"m bound to spray the frog, are they saying not to hose the thing down or what?

thanks in advance for shedding some light for me

the care sheet I'm reading is here http://lllreptile.com/v2/content/info/care/care-sheets/amphibians/green-and-black-arrow-frog.txt

07-22-04, 10:13 AM
the care sheet does not specify that it is only regarding cb darts, and must be warning about wc. Nevertheless darts should not really be handled unncessarily anyways. The whole misting thing is not really a big issue. I mist my terribilis daily and they do not seem to mind. Just make sure the water is not too cold. that is a pretty basic care sheet, mabey you want to check out http://www.amphibiancare.com/frogs/caresheets/poisondartfrog.html

Hope this helps

Double J
07-23-04, 07:52 AM
The reason why you should not handle your animals is not for your benefit... but for THEIRS. CB frogs are not toxic, but these animals should be treated like a fish. Nobody cuddles with their goldfish, and a dart frog is no different. That said, sometimes when packing or unpacking amphibians, a little jostling with your fingers can be necessary. The caresheet sounds like it is just getting at the point that the oils in our skin are not good for the frogs, plus the fact that these frogs dessicate (dry up) very quickly if outside of their vivarium.
When they say don't mist the animal directly...... that depends on the power of your mister, and the pressure and type of spray coming from it. Don't really worry about it.... it is inevitable that you r frogs will get hit with some spray, just don't set the nozzle on the high pressure stream (like a watergun) and hose them down like they are on fire. Mist the tank thoroughly.

07-23-04, 08:28 AM
I've noticed that ( at least my) darts don't seem to like direct misting. Not that I hit them with it on purpose, but they do sometimes get in the way. Even with a gentle spray, it scares them. I remember reading someplace (maybe a post on Frognet) that they don't often get wet when it rains. Since the forest and undergrowth is so thick, they are pretty well protected from rain. By the time the water gets down to their level, it's been deflected and directed from leaves, along branches to run down trunks. Not much water is left to fall to the ground, most of it runs down the tree trunks. So, chances are falling water is foreign to them, which explains the panic mode when they get misted.

07-23-04, 09:31 AM
Hey Leighton-

Check out this site: http://www.herpetologic.net/

Seems pretty cool. I was looking into these awhile back with either the azures or else bumblebees. Decided not to get into frogs though...

See ya,

07-24-04, 11:43 AM
thank you ortega, I have now looked at every site you listed, it has given me 99% of the answers I am seeking

07-27-04, 05:46 PM
glad to help you out. It was hard for me to find everything at first and I appreciated everybody that helped me out. If there is anything else you have questions about (mabey the remaining 1%) just pm me.