View Full Version : Motley Sunglows? Simon, take a look

07-22-04, 01:55 AM
I bred corns for 20 years, then sold them all in the late 90's before all the Love's morphs took off so I'm not up on all the morphs.
Someone gifted me a couple 3 years ago, after I said I'd never work with corns again unless they were pure orange...LOL
Well, I was given a nice male sunglow and a so-so female that came from a motley sunglow cross..

Here's the first hatchlings and I'm blown away by these... They have some longitudial striping along the edges of the ventrals, and some have perfect circles.
They hatched in semi opaque and I can hardly wait for them to shed..
Are these what you call motley sunglows?

07-22-04, 09:04 AM
Beautiful babies and they certainly look like motleys to me - you can be sure if the bellies have no checkered pattern - pure white. Some motleys will retain a few checks. The merger of side blotches is another good indicator. The complete circles give a 'hurricane' motley designation.

The sunglow part is harder to assess in hatchlings and harder to clearly define in adults. Some people will call them sunglow if they are an amel with minimal to no white borders. Others demand that they have very intense orange background coloration to produce the glow. Some lines have used hypo genes in the mix to intensify the coloration. Because sunglow is not a typical single gene (unless you count those that may have hypo influence), but is a selected variant of amel, calling them sunglow can be up to the breeder.

Definately want to see pics after they shed - they look gorgeous now. And your male is confirmed het for motley - definately a plus now because the striped and motley corn patterns are surging in popularity.

mary v.

07-22-04, 09:39 AM
I agree with Mary

They look like sunglow motleys to me~
But taking a picture of the belly shot would definitely give the answer out~

Congrats Roy~
LOL I am glad that there is someone like you that is as crazy with orange as I am~!!

Nice little babies~!!

07-22-04, 02:40 PM
Thanks Mary & Simon... Yes the nicest ones have pure white bellies with orange stripes along each side of the ventrals...
The entire litter isn't like this only about a third
Here's a pic

07-22-04, 02:43 PM
That's a motley. :)

Nice clutch, Roy. :)

07-22-04, 03:05 PM
Can I have one? :P

Nice job. very pretty lil' babies you got there.

07-22-04, 03:06 PM
They are gorgeous even blue and upside down!! Looking forward to seeing how these turn out - wish you were closer - I could convince you to let me grow them up for you!

mary v.

07-22-04, 04:21 PM
Simon, just for your interest here is one of the sunglows I got off you as a wee baby.... Its really turned out nice


07-22-04, 05:56 PM
the one in your hand is most definitely a motley~

So I guess you bred
Sunglow het motley x Sunglow het motley to get a that clutch of sunglow and sunglow motleys~!!

Oh I am so glad that the little sunglow is doing so well for you~!
You're absolutely right, it's turning out really nice~!!

But I did promise you to pick out the best looking sunglow from that batch~ So I guess I did my job properly~ LOL~


07-27-04, 11:33 PM
Yes, thanks Simon you did a good job picking me nice ones...
For Mary, here's a new post shed pic of one of the new Hurricane Motley Sunglows

07-28-04, 12:10 AM
Very cool Roy! Those are my kinda corns. I love the bright orange/red (don't like the white, the more they have the sicker they look IMHO), which was why I was lucky when I managed to have one fall right in my lap :p

07-28-04, 12:20 AM
Oh no, you an orange-o-holic too Linds. I call it the disease within the disease.I like that pumkin in your avatar, too bad about that brown thing on it..lol (kidding I have Haitians remember)
I even have orange bath towels now, and worse, I bought a trio of them.

07-28-04, 10:48 AM
Absolutely great little baby - that is going to be a screamer! Nice orange tones too.

Bet you can hardly wait til that trio of orange towels is old enough - huge clutchs of orange facecloths on the horizon!

mary v.

07-28-04, 09:07 PM
Stunning Roy, absolutely beautiful.

07-28-04, 10:44 PM
Smokin snakes there Roy, now threaten to stop breeding corns again until we get blue and green ones! lol!

Originally posted by vanderkm

Bet you can hardly wait til that trio of orange towels is old enough - huge clutchs of orange facecloths on the horizon!

mary v.

HAHAHA! Hey do you think you could cross breed them with the bedsheets?