View Full Version : Gravid Emp?

07-21-04, 08:59 PM
I have two emperors in the same cage, just young ones. They are a bit more than an inch long (not including tail or claws) They've both been eating well, but one has been getting very fat and seems irritable. S/he isn't actively eating crickets anymore like the skinnier one, and seems to almost try and attack things when I open up the cage. Do they get like this when they're gravid?

Assuming they can be gravid at that size.. I was told that they can be, but I'm pretty new with scorpions.

What do you think? I think they've been eating basically the same amount, but there's a considerable fattyness difference. :) I'm going to go read up and see what else I can find out about gravid scorps.


07-21-04, 09:37 PM

Assuming they actually are P.imperator, there is no way they can be gravid. I suspect that the one is getting ready to moult. That being said, there is also the slight possibility that you have another species and that they are mature individuals.


07-21-04, 09:53 PM
Ah, so they can't be gravid at that small size? The moulting idea is likely because they both got fatter and moulted at the same time last time, but is it strange that one is seeming to grow faster? (newb!! :):))

07-22-04, 01:05 AM
Sounds like that one fiesty one is just closer to a moult and the fat look is probably due to being well fed.