07-21-04, 08:59 PM
I have two emperors in the same cage, just young ones. They are a bit more than an inch long (not including tail or claws) They've both been eating well, but one has been getting very fat and seems irritable. S/he isn't actively eating crickets anymore like the skinnier one, and seems to almost try and attack things when I open up the cage. Do they get like this when they're gravid?
Assuming they can be gravid at that size.. I was told that they can be, but I'm pretty new with scorpions.
What do you think? I think they've been eating basically the same amount, but there's a considerable fattyness difference. :) I'm going to go read up and see what else I can find out about gravid scorps.
Assuming they can be gravid at that size.. I was told that they can be, but I'm pretty new with scorpions.
What do you think? I think they've been eating basically the same amount, but there's a considerable fattyness difference. :) I'm going to go read up and see what else I can find out about gravid scorps.