10-05-02, 11:20 AM
These guys are fairly rare to find in collections. The scientific name is Eryx johnii persicus, which is known as the persian sand boa. The nomiate forum Eryx johnii johnii are known as the Indian/smoothscale/brown sand boa. The persicus come from the more western side of the range of E. johnii and tend to keep some of the juvenile banding on the body and heavy banding on the tail. Most indian sandies turn all brown and lose the banding. Vanan bought me this guy at the Richmond show here in BC. While doing research on the Indian sandies I came across info on the Persian sandies and posted this pic trying to confirm what subspecies he was, turns out he's persicus and for that I am happy! I'd love to find a female for the male I have. I was told there was one for sale in a store in Edmonton, if anyone has info on persicus I'd like to know it!
<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/johnii.JPG">
<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/kattia/johnii.JPG">