View Full Version : "Free Dumb-Breeder Rack" - PART 2: Prep work + Painting

07-21-04, 01:06 PM
There was quite a bit of prep work to do for this rack. I had to pre-cut all of the 2”x4” X 5 ¾” shelf spacers which also act as rail braces. I set up a stopper on my Miter Saw so that all of the cuts were exactly the same length. You need 80 of these for the project…


And... Done! :)

I also pre cut all 60 rails on the same saw. I used 3/8” x 1 ¼” door stop material. It cost a lot more than I budgeted for because I didn’t realize until I was at the checkout that it was priced by the foot and not by the board. :( Anyway, these pieces could have been a LOT cheaper. Next time I will just use 1”x1/2” lumber.

These pieces are cut to 24” and I was able to cut 3 at a time…


And... Done! :D

I had the shelving cut at Home-Depot to save me a lot of time and so I wouldn’t have to borrow a truck. I used 3/8” OSB for the shelves. Because there is never more than 24” of shelf without a support, and because there is NO weight on the shelves themselves, I was able to use a slightly thinner material.

The boards were cut to 24” x 55”. You get two shelves per sheet and I bought 5 sheets… even though I need 11 shelves. I decided to just make the bottom shelf out of 2”x6” lumber.


I applied 3 coats of “Varathane – Plastic Enamel”. In hind sight, I should have started painting a week or two a head of time to allow the paint time to fully cure. It took a whole gallon of paint to do these boards. The OSB really sucks up a lot of paint on the first coat…

1st coat:

2nd coat:

3rd coat:

And finally…

Next post will show the pre-assembly of the rails and wiring up the heat tape on each level. :)

07-21-04, 01:22 PM
So from the sounds of this, the tubs are suspended on the rails - looked like that from the drawings but I wasn't sure. Is that the case, and how you are getting around damage to the heat tape from the tub going over it? Sorry to be so dense, but construction isn't my strength, and I am really waiting for more pics - looks great so far,

mary v.

07-21-04, 01:40 PM
There is about 1/16th of an inch of space above and below the bins. They barely touch the bottoms on the shelves and they don't touch the heat tape below. :)

07-21-04, 04:54 PM
Mary; tubs 'going over' heat tape doesn't cause it any damage. None. At all.

07-21-04, 05:19 PM

Nice job, when you said step by step this is it exactly.

Very nice indeed, even though I built my cages I am still a beginner to the best rack system I can build for my animals, well the babies. My main concern was the rubbing of the tubs on the heat tape and like the "freedom racks" your design is coming along perfect to those at a better price. Can' t wait to see more updates on the rack and the wiring of the heat tape my 2nd concern. But I know lots of people use this stuff and even I got my rolls coming in.

Keep us posted Tim, great work so far........can' t wait to see the "opps" photo, lol.



07-21-04, 10:03 PM
Tony, lol, my one and only injury during this project WILL be included! :D ;)

07-21-04, 10:59 PM

LOL..........OK, get down to Home Depot and set me up for 3 of these racks, your taking orders right?

Much appreciated help from you, thanx.

