View Full Version : Possible triple het boas

07-21-04, 01:43 AM
These are the results of breeding my Salmon 100% het for albino male to a type 2 anery female.

These are Salmon DH for type 2 anery 50% possible het for albino (blizzard). Try saying that 3 times in a row. LOL

The females





The males



These are their normal colored siblings 100% het for type 2 anery 50% poss het for albino (blizzard)



This is mom when she was gravid


By combining the type 2 anery gene with the albino the aim is to get a blizzard boa which is different than a snow. The snow boas which are produced from type 1 or columbian anerys get yellow with age. This is due to the columbian anery still having yellow pigment but no red. The type 2 anerys lack red pigment as well as yellow and actually get blacker with age. These traits when combined with the albino gene will make a boa that stays snow white throughout its life a blizzard. Jeremy Stone made Double hets about 3 years ago by breeding an albino male to a type 2 anery female he then bred the double hets together and is now waiting for the results of that cross to hopefully produce the first blizzard boa this season.

I threw in the salmon gene just for fun now its a long wait until I see if I can pick the right 2 that actually carrry all three genes.

Theoretically if I do breed the right 2 together down the road I could produce up to 8 different color morphs in one litter.


07-21-04, 02:05 AM

Amazing, as we discussed on this, these are amazing boas to try a new project and the blizzard boa is a new and up coming morph that will be in demand just like the new boa bloodlines that are showing up in the USA.

Your lucky to be a few steps away to produce them, jealous I am - you always have great boas.

Keep me posted on them.



07-21-04, 11:43 PM
I would love to have a blizzard boa! The hets you have produced are awesome! Hope you have some blizzard hets in there. Now how do you choose which ones to keep?

07-22-04, 12:55 AM
I can't wait to see the blizzards. Have they ever been produced before?

07-22-04, 01:13 AM

As far as I know so far its in the creation, with Dan and Jeremy and maybe a few others. Nothing yet but maybe Jeremy will show something this year.



07-22-04, 05:22 AM
you like playing bingo or loto?? nice looking boa's Dan,hope to get thare some day!only have 1.1 over 3years now to breed this yearand a cuple of nice light pink that will be ready nex year paul
best of luck in all that you do!

Corey Woods
07-22-04, 05:53 AM
Nice looking little guys!!


07-22-04, 08:42 AM
I really like mom. She has a weeeee bit of an attitude. Can't wait to see the blizzards.

Optimus Prime
07-22-04, 10:48 AM
Those are killer babies man :)