View Full Version : Yikes! Baby Black Widows

Jordan B
07-20-04, 11:44 PM
In the herp shelter that I work in, we have a black widow someone gave to us that layed an egg sac about a mont and a half ago. A few days ago it hatched! We moved it to a seperate jar a few weeks ago, and now the jar is full of about 500 baby black widows. About a week ago she layed another egg sac. She hasn't been with a male, but do they they a few fertile egg sacs off of one mating session, or will it be a dud? Any help you guys could give would be great. Thanks, Jordan.

07-21-04, 12:48 AM
Once the female black widow was with a male, the female can retain sperms and keep producing eggs.

07-21-04, 09:38 AM
She obviously has been with a male if she is laying eggsacks. They will most likely not be duds. She will do this pretty much every time she is fed.


07-21-04, 02:06 PM
If you do a search of this forum, there are many excellent posts written by RM Bolton concerning black widows. He describes the frequency of laying, but I forget the exact number of days. I remember this much:
Only one mating is necessary for her to be fertile the rest of her days. The more often you take away her egg sacs, the faster she will produce them, and the faster she will die. Leave the sacs with her as long as you can, to slow her down. Freeze off the sacs or you will have too many widows.
Let the babies cannabalize each other to end up with the strongest healthiest females. These unfertile females make the best pets and display animals. They retail for 10-20 dollars, and live two or three years.

Perhaps Ryan will visit here and give you the link to his caresheet.
Have fun

Jordan B
07-21-04, 08:21 PM
Thanks for all the help everyone. I'll let you all know when it hatches!
