View Full Version : Red hognose pair update!!!

Scales Zoo
07-20-04, 12:50 AM
Probed the pair tonight when Katt and Vanan were here. They are both males. I've suspected this for some time now, but had not had the mindset to probe them and find out for sure.

Yup, it is a bit of a bummer. They are both big males though - i still had hope. So, any of you that had your fingers crossed for babies from this pair, sorry...

Guess I'm now in the market for any redish females, light females, or het albino females.

Such is life, they are still pretty, and I still love them.

Roy, I'm very sorry, you were set up to get some babies as a suprise. I'm just as dissapointed as you are.


07-20-04, 08:00 AM
hey man...sounds like a bummer...i'm sure evrything will work out and you'll find the right female. But at least you got some good looking snakes.

07-20-04, 08:27 AM
ARG Those would have been some stunning offspring!

07-20-04, 02:46 PM
Ryan, you know I do have this beautiful light female who is hoping to pair up with a nice red hog. Imagine the babies from them! Here's a pic of her from last year.

<img src="http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/Patches1.jpg">


07-20-04, 05:29 PM
Oh well
but you can alwasy throw the male to me~~ lol

07-25-04, 12:20 AM
That's too bad Ryan.. I really like those.
One of them would make a great mate for this one I held back from last year. It's not even close to your beauties but the babies would be nice

Scales Zoo
07-25-04, 10:59 AM
Wow, that is very close to the way they look, actually, very very close.

That is very nice - good work.


08-03-04, 11:32 PM
thanks Ryan...
That one is unlike the others from last year.
It has virtually no black.. Perhaps I'm starting my own hypo line.. The nicest thing is my hogs eat which I've heard can be a real problem for some blood lines. So far every darn one of this years two clutches(one more to come) has eaten within one week of hatching. They don't even insist on privacy and will eat right after being handled.
Here I tossed some pinks into a temporary holding container with several and they all started chowing.. Pretty nice to see in hogs that are only a few days out of the egg.