View Full Version : Perfect eggs yield.....
07-19-04, 07:48 PM
.......perfect babies!!!! These guys are AMAZING! I wish everyone could come over for beers and check them out!!
I'm on my way and I'm bringing mice I'll bring extras too trade for beers.
Actually got any rye and ginger ?
lookin awesome man congrats
07-19-04, 07:58 PM
Rye and Ginger indeed Scott. Summertime.....and the livin' is easy..............
Actually, I'll one-up ya. I got pineapple chunks marinating in white Bacardi!! Who says spiky fruit can't be fun?
Optimus Prime
07-19-04, 08:18 PM
I got lotsa booze am I invited Jeff?
07-19-04, 08:21 PM
Of course you are Darryl. Always invited brother!
07-19-04, 08:25 PM
Ummm... I can bring half a 26 of Vodka. Can I play too?
They look superly great, my-man! You must be happy with what you see so far... :) :D
07-19-04, 08:38 PM
HALF a 26er? Crannie you cheap-skate Winterpegger!!!
Tim my man, I've never been so excited to see a damn colubrid hatch in my whole life! LOL! I'm down like Charlie Brown with these things! I'm going to pester them a bit more until another heads pops out so that I can take 30 photos of it as well!! LOL!
07-19-04, 08:42 PM
LOL... I would bring more but this new rack I've been building has robbed me of all my money... though you might not think so to look at it! :D lol
I expect we'll be seeing more pics of these little buggers within the next few hours. :) ;)
07-19-04, 08:59 PM
Ha ha, your carpentry skillz can't be worse than mine brother. I'm more impatient than little kid that has to take a wazz at the movies.
So, I'm pestering away, and I LITERALLY get to see this top guy slit the egg! How cool is that? I'm going to sell a male and by a damn video camera. I'm missing all this cool stuff every year! I gotta get one.
Top middle is the newest. My attempt at a close-up was laughable at best.
Congrats Jeff~!!
Yet another nice looking batch~~!!
I have been so busy that I have not been able to even see them pip....this sucks~!!
Time for beer and drinks? I don't even think that I can afford the time to do it now....
I thought that the first picture was the right way up at first..but after carefully looking at them I finally realize that its up-side-down~ lol
07-19-04, 09:20 PM
Ha ha, yeah the stupid thing was upside-down, and then I rotated the picture, it looked stupid, ha ha! He/she turned right side-up and was 1/2 out of the egg, but when I went to take a pic, it jumped back in the egg, LOL!
Simon, bro, just rest up. NO ONE is productive when they're sick and run-down. I'm the worst for that.
More pics to come I'm sure. Gotta eat dinner and watch Dark City. Damn I love that movie!!
Thanx for the nice words all. I know its a bit much, but this is 2 years in the making, that's why I'm so jacked!! :D
Congrats!! Man, I love albinos. Those guys look electric - keep 'em coming!
07-19-04, 10:05 PM
Thanx Will!! I'll inundate you with pics until you can't possibly look at another one!! LOL!!
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Simon, bro, just rest up. NO ONE is productive when they're sick and run-down. I'm the worst for that.
but I still have around 600 eggs preparing to be piped or being laid at the moment....
So that is why I am so owning a factory at the same time isn't going to help out much better if you have employees that don't like listening to what you say a lot of the time....LOL~~
Take some more pics when they are out of the egg~!!
07-19-04, 10:30 PM
Simon, the things we go through to impress the ladies.......;)
You have more energy than anyone I have ever known man!! You must have been a TERROR as a child! LOL!
More pics on the way................
I'll inundate you with pics until you can't possibly look at another one!! LOL!!
It'll be tough to get me to that point, but feel free to try - I'll thank you in advance! :D
Originally posted by Jeff_Favelle
Simon, the things we go through to impress the ladies.......;)
You have more energy than anyone I have ever known man!! You must have been a TERROR as a child! LOL!
More pics on the way................
Been is not the word~
Cause I am still a TERROR~!!
Man....I don't know...but I basically need to 'recharge' (go to sleep) for an hour and I get like a couple of hours running without sleep....
Don't know why....I have been like that this is why I am still a TERROR to my parents...and maybe some of you guys too~~ LOL
07-19-04, 10:54 PM
Same thing as Da Vinci man. He slept like 20 minutes every few hours. That's how he got soooo much stuff done!
but did he go nuts at the end? LOL
Cause I surely am~~
and I think that by the time I 'retire' I'll be so bored since I am so used to work...I'll kick myself back to work again....LOL~
I can so predict this happening in my future.....
don't know why....I am born to work...heck I love working...(can you tell? LOL)
07-19-04, 11:24 PM
SAWEEET Jeff!! :D You must be so stoked to finally see those albino heads poking out after 2 years of waiting! Man, I can't wait to see those little guys in person... Methinks it's time for another visit to your house -- just, remind me not to bring my chequebook this time... lol....
07-19-04, 11:53 PM
LOL jen, but the chequebook is the PASSWORD, ha ha!!!! ;)
Simon, I think he was crazy his whole life, wasn't he?? I hear ya about the work man. On days with nothing to do, I go stir crazy. But that's what video games, girlfriends, porn, DVD's, sports, my garden, nature, etc etc etc are for. Imagine what the cave dude dis when they got bored. Different mentality I guess.
07-20-04, 12:15 AM
Check out the head of this beauty!!!!!!!
07-20-04, 09:29 AM
Fantastic Jeff!! The long wait is so worth it - those noses look great - can hardly wait to see them hatched out.
mary v.
Man, I love pipping pics too...
Do you do requests...? :D
07-20-04, 11:38 AM
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