View Full Version : ID help, Salamander, Anole

07-19-04, 10:59 AM
These are my unidentified herps from last year...

First is a salamander from Presque'Ile Provincial Park, Ontario. The only thing I think it could be is a redback morph, it just looks a little different with the heavy blue flecking


Next is an anole from Sugarloaf Key, Florida. I was really hoping to find a key ringneck but had to settle for a s. black racer. When we got to the Everglade however I found the evolutionary mother of all key ringnecks, the s. ringneck, somehow it wasn't the same.

Anyways, this is an anole from Sugarloaf Key. It looks like a crested to me but I didn't realize that they went that far into the keys, any suggestions?


Thank You

07-19-04, 02:45 PM
Anole looks like A. cristatus to me.

07-19-04, 07:18 PM
That anole kicks a$$!! Man, it would be tres cool to have a greenhouse full of those things flyin' around!