View Full Version : Mortality Rates

07-19-04, 07:30 AM
I'm curious, has anyone here ever kept track of mortality rates in their hatchlings? From say hatching to 3 months or 6 months.

I had a clutch of 20 eggs all hatch, and one was much smaller than the rest. It was an amel (1 of 2) and about 8"-9". It died on it's 5th day and before it's first shed. All the rest seem healthy, but it got me thinking about what typical mortality rates might be.

Any input or thoughts are appreciated.



07-20-04, 01:22 PM
We had only one corn clutch last year and all 20 survived - no abnormalities or early deaths. Eight persisted in not wanting to eat until brumated. Four fed reliably after that and I euthanized four. I wonder if the failure to feed was related to the fact that this was a very late clutch - hatched last weekend in August - not one we bred - female laid eggs shortly after we bought her.

Clutches for this year have not hatched yet so nothing to report here, but it is a good idea to know what others have experienced.

mary v.

07-20-04, 02:58 PM
Thanks for the input Mary. I'd love to know if 20% is the "norm" or if it's higher or lower. Any one else have any rates to report?