View Full Version : Southern Pine and Trivia

07-18-04, 10:13 PM
OK, so it is not really trivia. But can anyone guess how old she is. I have an estimate. I know what year she came into her last owner's collection. At that time she was almost 2'. She is over 5'.

I have been trying to get another Southern Pine for several years now. I was hoping for a baby, but she will be a very welcome addition to the programs. Plus, I fell in love with her. Here is my new baby.






07-18-04, 10:21 PM
Have no clue where to start guessing with the age, but she is a NICE southern! I've been seeing more and more pics of beautiful southerns and it's changing my opinion about their coloration. Used to think they were muddy and brown. :p. But then again, that was back when I wasn't bit by the Pit bug. :D Beautiful snake again Brian! :)

07-19-04, 07:53 AM
Thanks. Southern (Florida) Pines are protected in Georgia so i have to have permits to keep her. But luckily, she has been used in educational programs since she was 2'.

07-19-04, 04:11 PM
Nice looking pit there!

Is something wrong with her nose, or does she just have a snubby nose??

07-19-04, 04:38 PM
Nice "foliage" Brian. ;)

07-19-04, 05:42 PM
She came to the previous owner in 1991 and she was already 2'. So she is over 15 years old. Withthat in mind, yes, a decade of rubbing the glass will do that ;)

David, it is Japanese Maple. :D

07-20-04, 12:18 AM
15yrs old?! Damn does she look good!! You lucky guy! Such a privilege to own such a majestic beauty.

07-20-04, 09:50 AM
Incredible snake - congrats on having her in your collection and using her to bring a greater understanding of herps to others.

She is a beautiful example!

mary v.