View Full Version : Ivory CKs are the first Kings out!- pic

07-18-04, 02:05 AM
Heres the babies from my Ivorys. There is quite the mix. The Ivorys & a black stripe with the white bellies, an abberrant with a black belly & some Hi-white abberrants with checkered kinda bellies. All too cool anyhow, first Ivorys produced here. Mark
<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/IVORYS.JPG"width="600">

07-18-04, 02:19 AM
Right on Mark! What do the adults look like?

07-18-04, 03:19 AM
Heres Dad "Whitey" & the mom "Dirty Girl" is the same except "dirtier" LOL they both have solid white bellies all the way too (sign of a true Ivory). Mark
<img src="http://members.shaw.ca/gonesnakee/IVORY M.JPG"width="600">

Tim and Julie B
07-18-04, 04:34 AM
Congrads Mark. Man that one with the stripe down the middle is sweet! A nice group of patterns.

07-18-04, 08:10 AM

Man you have a lot of 'first to produce here' this year~~
I have seen a couple of posts saying this~ it must be an exciting year~!!

Sweet looking kings~~

07-18-04, 12:48 PM
Will not get back into king snakes.... will not get back into king snakes.... damnit Mark, I have enough runny poop to clean up in this house! :P

07-18-04, 01:34 PM
THX everyone & I really like the Black Stripe one too, might consider keeping that one? Ya know whats the best part, not one crapped on me yet, keyword "yet" LOL. Lots of firsts this year as many of the snakes I've raised up from babies (2000 & 2001's)were first bred this year. I wait an extra year so I get big healthy "double clutching" girls instead of small single clutchers that may eggbind. No 2 YO girls breeding here : ) So far so good anyhow & there will be another clutch of CKs hatched by the end of the day & 2 clutches of JungleCorns are also hatching right now as well as others? (gotta check yet LOL) Biggest year yet for Mark's GONE SNAKEE! anyhow. THX again, Mark
P.S. Ken & Erin need Ivories, Lavenders, Stripers (reg & albino), abberrrants (reg & albino) etc. etc. LOL

07-18-04, 03:56 PM
Those are so killer, I don't even know what to say.


07-18-04, 08:28 PM
What makes them Ivories? I haven't heard of them before.

07-18-04, 09:08 PM
Mark they are just high white CKs with white bellies obviously created orginally with some hi white striped/abberrant ones. I don't know genetically, but the parents were Ivorys & most all of the babies have solid white bellies. Its what I bought them as & I think the names appropriate. Kinda the Desert Phase vs the coastal like Bananna except white instead of yellow & Banannas usually have black bellies or some markings. I like em anyhow LOL Mark

07-18-04, 09:22 PM
I think Henry crossed some high whites with bananas to create the ivory line.

07-18-04, 10:26 PM
Yep, 2001 Fall he brought the first of the Ivorys to Calgary. It was one of those "this one looks kinda different" thingy. Correct me if I'm wrong but that's what I remember of them being first produced.

07-18-04, 10:26 PM
Very well then. Thanks. They're nice looking snakes. I have some from last year that are from a "banana" x "melanistic banana" that came out believe it or not, much like that. Some were stark yellow and some white. Cals always surprise me. Unfortunately this year, many of my getula have not produced.
Thanks for sharing.

07-19-04, 09:01 AM
Congrats Mark - great looking cal kings - some crazy patterns there. Really would love to see these in albino!

mary v.

Optimus Prime
07-19-04, 09:43 AM
Ohhh fresh outta the egg, congrats on the new bundles of joy!

07-24-04, 05:23 PM
Very nice pic Mark. Congrats.
