View Full Version : Well, they're coming...

07-17-04, 07:40 PM
...as expected. My mangrove water snakes have begun to give birth again this year. And as last year, the first 2 have started with 14 babies each.
Here's a red baby and belly pic of another one.

07-17-04, 09:00 PM

I have wanted these for a long time~~
I had a friend in NY that has 2.2 of these..one pair were red phase and the other pair was like yours~

I haven't seen babies but his adults were impressive and I wanted to get it from him~

After seeing your pics the 'itch' has started again~~

Congrats and let us know how many have hatched out~~

07-17-04, 10:59 PM
Mark! Call the damn air couriers and get the bloody shipping on the way! Enough of this taunting! It's been long enough! :p