View Full Version : Update: he's keeping his food down!

10-04-02, 09:28 AM
Well, as I've posted before, I picked up a baby red tail in August at a reptile expo. He ended up getting mites. I killed the mites and he started regirgitating everything. Well, now he's keeping food down. The last 2 weeks I've had to force feed just to get some food in him. I imagine he should be good to go for a while and don't want to keep stressing him out with force feeding. Now he needs to eat on his own! But he won't.

I take him out of his cage and put him in a cardboard printer box like I always have with my BCI. I've been reading other posts and I think I'm gonna keep the light away from him when I try feeding him next time. See if he likes it darker. I'm staying with live prey until I get can him eating on his own. Any other suggestions?


10-04-02, 09:57 AM
WOOHOO! I think the lights did it! He just coiled it! I'm soooo happy hehe


10-05-02, 07:51 PM


10-05-02, 09:12 PM
Congrats! :)

10-05-02, 09:41 PM
congrats man!! :) watch what you buy at shows... the vendors with the cheap prices usually have the w/c and c/h animals for sale. Sometimes to save 50$ can actually end up costing you more in stuff to treat mites and parasites plus the stress and extra work you have to put into those animals :)

10-05-02, 10:52 PM
very true jeff. In the end I still saved money compared to what I would have payed at a pet store. I checked. Plus, this way I was able to help out a snake that may not have made it without the special attention. So in the end we're both happy about it :P . By the way, what's w/c and c/h?


10-06-02, 05:07 PM
w/c = wild caught

c/h = captive hatched


Ryan and Katie
10-06-02, 05:46 PM
Right on! It's a great feeling to get a snake feeding.

Darren Hamill
10-07-02, 01:01 AM
Thats great guys congrats! :)

10-07-02, 04:41 PM
Good to hear he's keeping his food down. Boa puke smells NASTY.

10-08-02, 10:11 AM
HA...I'll have to keep that in mind Lisa...hope I never experience that!

zouleous, I'm thinking

10-08-02, 08:44 PM
I meant to ask before, what did you use to kill the mites?

10-09-02, 11:52 AM
Provent-A-Mite...it's used to kill and prevent future mites. They tell you to use it once a month. It's pretty strong stuff...you just take out the snake and his water dish, litely spray his enclosure and let the fumes clear out. The guy I got it from said to wait at least 20 minutes after spraying to return him. So I waited like 45. It worked great! I haven't seen a mite since. =)

PS....works on tics too