View Full Version : Help!!

07-14-04, 10:03 PM
I have just started getting into geckos, and i have a male and female and they are both around 1 yr old. I am trying to get them to mate and am having a hard time. Also my female gecko is acting strange, she really doesn't want to be handled right now, she runs away. Does that mean anything? One more thing.... the male has shed a few times and she hasn't since i have had her. What is up with that? Can someone help? Thanks!!!:)

07-14-04, 10:31 PM
Well I will guess you have cresteds.

As most geckos are nocturnal you might not see them mate. Also at 1 year they just might not be ready I have seen geckos not breed till about 15-18 months.

As for teh shedding since alot of geckos eat there skin you might not just notice it.

Aslong as the geckos seem healthy and are eating good I would not worry about it.

What you can do is separate them for a bit then try and add the male in with the female again see what happens.

How big are the geckos? are you 100% sure its a pair? and the conditions they are kept suttable for breeding?

Those are some Q's you might want to go over first and see what happens from there.

Hope this helps a bit.

07-15-04, 08:45 AM
Cresties always have their hormones in overdrive, so chances are they've mated already. I've noticed my females don't like being handled when they're close to laying eggs, maybe that's why your female is acting strange right now.