07-13-04, 08:45 PM
Just bought a new camera off ebay! Very exited about it. I havn't quite figured everything out there, but i'm getting there. Here are a few pics, they aren't very clear but I'll get better ones soon! :)
The bullsnake I got from Vanan, he's very cool.
Here's a fuzzy closeup, if you look close you can see that his nose (which was rubbed raw and infected) is doing better. No more infection, all pink and clean!
One of the toads
Making a break for it!
And a buddy of mine with one of my bratties
Now, I have a newbie version of photoshop, so if anyone (*cough*Matt*cough*) knows how to make the size of photos smaller so I can put more in my gallery, let me know! I have so many pictures.
I also took two videos with the camera, is there a way to show them here, or a place I can host them and then link to them? Many more (and much better) pictures to come. I'm still getting the hang of this focusing thing. :D
The bullsnake I got from Vanan, he's very cool.
Here's a fuzzy closeup, if you look close you can see that his nose (which was rubbed raw and infected) is doing better. No more infection, all pink and clean!
One of the toads
Making a break for it!
And a buddy of mine with one of my bratties
Now, I have a newbie version of photoshop, so if anyone (*cough*Matt*cough*) knows how to make the size of photos smaller so I can put more in my gallery, let me know! I have so many pictures.
I also took two videos with the camera, is there a way to show them here, or a place I can host them and then link to them? Many more (and much better) pictures to come. I'm still getting the hang of this focusing thing. :D