View Full Version : milli group shot...

07-12-04, 07:46 PM
although they seem pretty communal in the tank when this picture was taken the red ones got a bit stressed and simultaneously released their trap doors!:D

07-12-04, 08:19 PM
Hey Yve,

any luck with breeding?

I have 2 of the red ones and three of the black ones. I haven't seen any mating between the red ones and I have seen 2 of the AGBs mate but no babies yet.


07-12-04, 09:27 PM
are you kidding me? I never see them doing anything but EATING!!lol...seriously though...they hide most of the time, both of the black ones are females and the reds...I don't remember, although what are the chances of them all being one sex?
It would be nice to have some production going on:) I may eventually put the red ones in their own enclosure. The black ones are out more often and the red ones seem to have burrows that they drag or push (who knows) they're food close to the openings and seldom come out. I don't know maybe there's some bullying going on.

07-14-04, 10:39 AM
hey guys i got some millipedes and mine are breeding. Yve your blacks look like west africans ive heard they are more rare than the east african ones ive got (the difference easts look smooth and west africans look bumpy) . Where did you get yours . You to Aidan where?

from froggy :)

07-14-04, 06:03 PM
Very cool :cool: Best of luck with them too!

07-15-04, 09:04 AM
Arachnomania and PCPC at expos. I want about 4 more actually,


07-15-04, 07:45 PM
I'm not sure Froggy, they were sold as agb...whether they are from east or west I don't know.