07-12-04, 05:26 PM
i bought two crested gecko's about 2 months ago, they were one month old at the time and about the size of my pinky finger. I know its not the best comparison, I will try and get pics later. Anyway, the one has at least quadrupled in size and the other has barley doubled if that. I watch them eat at night and they both eat, the big one eats about 6 crickets and the small one olny eats probably 3, I put plenty of food in so they do not have to compete for food, i also put a fresh dish of baby food in every night and it seems like the bigger one is the olny one who has learned to eat it from the dish. For the first month i had them i hand fed them baby food, but i always put a dish in. So the question is is it normal? should they grow at such diffrent rates? I know bearded dragons hit their growth spurts at diffrent times is the same true for geckos? Well thanx in advance