View Full Version : My Komodo Dragon Experience

07-12-04, 03:33 PM
Yesterday I took a trip to the Toronto Zoo with my family and it was time to go meet the komodo dragon keeper for his daily chat with the public. My family not enjoying reptiles anywhere near as much as I do left to go watch some other animals keeper do their thing. I stuck around and listened to everyones questions about these incredible lizards and when everyone started clearing out i went over to the keeper and began to chat with him about the komodos, we got into a very indepth convo about these awesome lizards and he was wondering how i know so much bout these great animals so I began telling him about my passion for reptiles and about the animals I keep myself he was very impressewd then asked the question of a lifetime Keeper: "I am aboiut to go clean the juvenile komodo dragon's enclosure wanna come with?" MY JAW DROPPED IN AWE :eek: completely stunned at what was knocking at my door. So obvioulsy i accepted his ofer and went with to behind the zoos closed doors. Next thing i new I was at the backside of a cage labeled KOMODO, the keeper unlocked the door and opened it all I see are 2 absolutely gorgeous 8 month old captive bred and hatched komodo dragons. 1 of them flees to the hide and the other just sits there. The keeper then puts on a pair of gardening gloves and procedes to pick him up, he then takes him/her out of the enclosure and I was stunned to the beauty and magnificence of the lizard THE KING OF ALL MONITORS/LIZARDS IN THE WORLD in my eyes THE ULTIMATE ANIMAL I at this point started taking pictures and began alking some more with the keeper telling except this time I was telling him how lucky he is to work with these animals on a daily basis. After he put the one in a temporary holding cage while he cleaned the enclosure I continued taking pics of course. Once he was done his duty he took out the lil (well noit that lil) gem and actually let me pet him (this meant so much to me, let alone being in a one on one environment with this awesome lizard :p )
Next thing I new it this great experience ended and I was the happiest person on earth.
Here are some pics of I took during this encounter.
(Only a couple pics turned out ok I Think its because I was shakin so much OUT OF JOY OF COURSE)

baby in temporary holding enclosure (http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=24465&password=&sort=1&cat=502&page=1)

head shot (http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=24466&password=&sort=1&cat=502&page=1)

FACE TO FACE (http://www.ssnakess.com/photopost/showphoto.php?photo=24467&password=&sort=1&cat=502&page=1)

I have more pics I just lack the space on my account. Once I figure this lil issue out I will post some more of the baby and PAPA ;)

07-12-04, 03:42 PM
That's awesome!!
Congrats man!
Cool pics, and an amazing experience!

07-12-04, 03:54 PM
Congrats...It is a marvelous thing hold and behold komodo dragons up close isn't it? I had my chance in '95 when I took a friend and fellow varanophile to Smithsonian Zoo to visit Trooper Walsh, since retired.

He let us hold a hatchling and took it up to the office to weigh it; and we got to behold their tamest komodo there, as I was rubbing the top of its head, it leaped onto my friends back - we all froze, while Trooper removed the "curious" animal from John Adragna's back! I was so jealous - John can say he had a komodo jump him, and he did - but at least I was there to watch it mount John and take a look around...a good afternoon there!

Cherish moments like those....they're GREAT!

07-12-04, 04:31 PM
what an opprotunity!!! Thats fantastic... Thanks for the pics!

07-13-04, 11:39 PM
thanx everyone
I dont know who else can understand what I mean when I say that i was in awe being in the presence of such an animal. Its like a cat lover to be able to hug a tiger or lion :) lol
but i can safely say that it was an AWESOME experience and one that I will unlikely forget

07-16-04, 11:54 AM

I saw those little guys in May, they were sooooooo cool. I'm definaltly getting a monitor when I can make room for it :)

07-16-04, 01:32 PM
have more pics I just lack the space on my account. Once I figure this lil issue out I will post some more of the baby and PAPA


check it out....it's free and you can upload a ton of pics to your album.

Hamster of Borg
07-16-04, 02:37 PM
Komodos are great... my only problem is knowing how many crickets to feed them. :)



07-16-04, 10:54 PM
Is that some blue and yellow on that Komodos face? The more colorful ones usually come from Flores Island....very nice impressive Ora...


07-18-04, 09:10 PM
"I was the happiest person on earth."
And now I am the most jealous person on earth. Thanks a lot.

"Its like a cat lover to be able to hug a tiger or lion"
I'm sure it was a hundred times better!

Komodo dragons are the best animals on the planet, no matter what anyone says. Dean, if I were you, I would be very shaky too. What an honor!:D