View Full Version : More then tripled in size in 7 months.

07-12-04, 09:40 AM
When I weighed him on January 4th he weighed 510g.
At the time of this pic he was over 1800g.
What do you think of your boy now Hip?
He doesn't even hiss anymore.

07-12-04, 09:44 AM
he's looking great~!

plus seeing the size that he has grown I am saying that you're definitely feeding it well too~!

07-12-04, 09:49 AM
And you also got a cheap plug in there too for the www.ssnakess.com web site tee shirt.

*In cheesy TV announcer voice*

Hurry up and buy now kids and you snake can get this big too all by wearing the www.ssnakess.com tee shirt!

07-12-04, 10:27 AM

hmmm, my "BigBoy" has grown:
Bought April 18th/04: 482.5g and 35.7"
as of July 7/04 : 1043gr and 47.3"

so in 3months he's doubled his weight and grown roughly 1ft.

damn that's scarey LOL.

07-12-04, 11:22 AM
Awesome man!! Feed them and they GROW! Boas like that one RULE! :D

07-12-04, 04:14 PM
beautiful boa! beautiful bright colour on her, does she hav a little pastle in her?

07-12-04, 04:43 PM
Awesome Trevor, and NICE Shirt, where'd ya pick that up?? :D

07-12-04, 06:41 PM
No doubt! Those guys are just growing machines :D

07-12-04, 07:05 PM
beautiful boa! beautiful bright colour on her, does she hav a little pastle in her?
It's a male. Both of my boas have a tone of pink in them but I just call them normals.

07-13-04, 11:24 AM
Ya see I loaned trev this male as a mate for his female as he was in need of a good coloured partner to work the super hot pink bci angle. That male I named F#Ck head because of his insane attitude and hissing and striking nature. I have seen only one other Bci as agro as him and I had that one when I lived in Atlanta 4 years ago or so.I figured he was going to be a very good breeder male due to his attitude, now trev has turened him into a little puppy dog LOL. Hopefully he will still be an agressive breeder for you Trev. Best feeder I have ever had even for a Bci he is a super insane garbage can and will eat anything you throw at him, good to see that we are closing in on the desired results at both ends of the spectrum we both should have awesome offspring this coming season and be able to mix and match them to create something a little different for boa keepers here in canada.

Well time for lunch Barley sandwich anyone?


07-13-04, 01:44 PM
I grew him up yes, that was the easy part. But I'm not counting my neonates before they're not slugs. These aren't corns after all. I just don't want to jix it by saying it will happen.

07-17-04, 05:59 AM
Agro? Is this term used in snakekeeping also, or is Hip giving himself away as an RPG fan? Trevor love the boa- but now im totally curious about what you look like from the neck up!


07-18-04, 01:06 AM
Originally posted by Artemis
Trevor love the boa- but now im totally curious about what you look like from the neck up!

He's pretty ugly, but it's your funeral. :p

Awesome boa Trevor! Someday.......

07-18-04, 08:20 AM
He's pretty ugly, but it's your funeral.
It's true I'm affraid.
Mostly I look like this,:medgoatee

07-19-04, 07:11 AM
Not a rpg player although I used to play D&D a long time ago(like the 80's). Traveled with an ausie for a week on bizz so I kinda picked up some of those ausie expresions.

Daver man o man are you right but you forgot to mention that he drools and grunts alot.


07-19-04, 09:07 AM
you forgot to mention that he drools and grunts alot.
True but you forgot to mention that is only when I'm around your girlfriend. How wait, I forgot you don't have a girlfriend. Could it have something to do with you D&D days maybe?
Hip did you know that male colombian taste like chicken?

07-19-04, 09:11 AM
Wow.... that's a nice looking corn Trev. Congrats