View Full Version : Poll?

reptile boi
07-11-04, 08:00 PM

I was just wondering which one of the following do you gise prefer?
a)yellow ackie
b)red ackie
c)savannah monitor
d)nile monitor


07-11-04, 08:43 PM
I didnt work as a poll, but I would say B.


07-11-04, 08:47 PM
I have a red ackie male, and have had bosc, common nile, ornate nile, etc in the past and theres no comparison at all. Ackies are awesome they are so active, so confident, they spend alot of time in the open running around digging etc. The ackies can live their whole life in the same amount of space that the others can spend a month or 2 in at most in (4x2x2). Ackies have great personalities and are a whole world less expensive to care for properly. What you spend buying a trio of ackies and caring for them for a few years would be dwarfed by what you would spend to care for the others in the first few months properly alone (note I said properly, of course most bosc and nile monitors get care in direct relation to their initial price unfortunately). Lets see $300 for a red ackie or $5 for a nile/savannah? Thats easy Ill pay for the CBB ackie over any overstressed, worm filled, tick covered, half dehydrated, half starved, abused, 1 step from given up on life bosc or nile any day. Every animal I have now except a Russian wolf spider are all CBB and theres a big difference as far as a captive animal goes from past experience.

07-12-04, 03:48 PM
Us 'GUYS' prefer 'D'

reptile boi
07-12-04, 05:30 PM
LOL, so you would buy a nile over a savy or ackies?

07-12-04, 06:25 PM
By far "D"

07-12-04, 09:23 PM
Ummm........ Mark, it's pick you favorite lizard, not bra size. lol


07-12-04, 09:36 PM
(D) And (C) All they way


07-12-04, 09:53 PM
Albigularis for cost no option to properly care for, or Argus, or absolutely no limit on what it cost to buy and care for Komodensis. But with the species listed theres no comparison, Id rather have a CBB quality ackie over any imported half dead nile or bosc. If you want something that costs a fortune to care for and never want to handle it, then by all means ornate nile. If you want an inexpensive animal with high cost of ownership to properly care for but they are kinda neat, yet nowhere near as interesting as most other species get a bosc.

07-13-04, 12:28 PM
I would say (D). If I did not have my albigs I would have a pair of ornates.

07-13-04, 05:00 PM
I say C).

D) gets too big.

A) & B) are interesting to watch as lizards, but aren't quite big enough for that dinosaur-like, garbage compactor monitor effect.

07-13-04, 06:02 PM
can we add E. lace?

burmese maniac
07-13-04, 08:34 PM
nile monitor

07-13-04, 08:46 PM
c sav monitor

07-14-04, 03:00 PM
i have a sav. monitor. he's great. i've never kept any other monitor so i can't compare them.

reptile boi
07-14-04, 08:05 PM
Hey Kap10Cavy,

Sorry, but nope, cant add in lace as i dont see them for sale all too often lol. Sorry bout that!


07-14-04, 09:30 PM
Well, I guess i have to go with B

07-14-04, 09:56 PM
I would say B, but think the poll is unfair lol

Its hard to compair the small monitors with large ones as ppl that just dont have the room would be more attracted to teh smaller monitors.

And you forgot "E- Kimberly Rock Monitors" hehe

07-15-04, 02:19 AM
Glauerti's are still a bit on the rare side I would think...

Maybe f) Water Monitors
g) Ionides
or h) All of the above

Since it was a poll with only one choice, I picked Savs. I have only ever also kept a Nile briefly, but I have been reading about Ackies for quite some time and am getting a trio of red ackies soon, and possibly some yellow ackies in a few months.

Steeve B
07-18-04, 03:24 AM
well my dother wants to vote on your poll, she says savs :)

Tim and Julie B
07-18-04, 04:32 AM
Peach throats? Well if I had to pick from the list,,,,,,,,,savs! TB

07-18-04, 05:31 AM
As a pet? Savanna?

As the looks Nile for sure

reptile boi
07-18-04, 06:30 PM
lol, woah, and i thought the majority of the votes would have been for the ackies! Anymore votes?


07-18-04, 09:36 PM

But I'm liking hhw's choices...