View Full Version : Monitors senses

07-10-04, 08:18 PM
I've noticed something I think is very interesting.
When ever I clean the snake cages my savannah runs to the burrow but my blackthroat gets all pissy. He/she/it gets right up on the glass and hisses, when I get closer it will tail whip the side of the cage. I believe it could be a reaction to the smells of snake poo and shed. I wish there was another way to take the trash out besides going by Fluffy.
How good do these critters smell?


07-10-04, 09:11 PM
their sense of smell is great, almost as good as that of snakes.

07-11-04, 01:03 PM
Varanids have five, or six senses that are nearly as good if not better than humans - not that people are the quota to measure everything from - but their eye-sight, sense of smell, hearing, sense of vibrations, with perhaps their sense of taste less than humans or even dogs - they do have taste buds, with V. exanthematicus having the most primitive types there-of...damn mammal-like aren't they!
They might be reacting to the habits you exhibit and know that when the snake cages are finished, you're goin to interupt them, and they don't like it! Could that be it?

07-11-04, 02:05 PM
Snakes and monitor cleaning is on a different schedule.


07-12-04, 10:47 PM
You did not get to me regarding Varanus literature? Often I never hear from people about it when they have to pay xerox/postage/gas costs on my part - they usually want it for free....knowledge is priceless, and it has cost me quite abit sometimes....same for you?
