View Full Version : boid cage plans

07-10-04, 05:00 PM
this is what my future boid cages will be like. this picture shows the plans for my 6 foot red tail boas cage. it will be 3 feet long, 2 feet high and one foot wide. there are 4 doors all together on the cage. the lower half of the cage is sort of a hide away for the snake, it can pass through the hole in the middle. the upper half will be for basking, a light fixture will be put into the top of the cage. i have not figured out how the doors will shut and lock yet, i will need to look at different devices and choose one. i'm not sure if i will use glass or plexi glass for the 2 top doors.

i plan on making other cages like this for my other boids but they will be a little smaller. i think i will be using melamine to make them.

if any one has any comments or suggestions please please reply or pm me.

07-10-04, 06:06 PM
For a 6ft Boa, that will still grow, a three foot cage is way too small, especially if its only a foot wide. Try something like 4'L x 2'W minimum, or preferably 5'L x 2'W. Melamine is VERY heavy, try using plywood. Try to keep the light at one end of the cage to give it a heat gradient.


07-10-04, 07:57 PM
Are you thinking of something like this? My recommendation is to put a lip around the hole, or else a lot of substrate (most of it) will end up in the hide box. Also, 3x2x1 is a little small, go for at the very minimum 4x2x2. Either plexi or glass will work fine.

My terrarium is made of melamine, and it weighs a ton. Wood will be lighter, but if you are not going to move it a lot, then either choice should be ok.

For locking, I just used a simple lock that for cabinets etc. that you can find in any hardware store.

Hope this helps.


Here is the complete thread:

07-10-04, 08:16 PM
1) Definitely go bigger. 4x2x1.5 (min) if it's a MALE, but if it's female, go bigger yet.

2) I don't recommend having the basking on top unless you have a heat gradient in the bottom as well. Use a heat pad or something on one end. Boas will sometimes sacrifice warmth in favor of hiding, so make sure it can hide AND be warm.

07-11-04, 07:45 PM
thank you every one for the help, i will go bigger for her, i want her to have lots of space but not too much or it might take up too much space.

Edwin your cage looks so neat, it is alot like the idea i have but a bit different. it does help alot though. for the top i was thinking about using the soft reptile carpet they sell and cutting the hole in it. for the bottom i was thinking of using a lose substrate (not sure what yet)

i was going to put the light that goes in the top on the far right (away from the hole) and a heat pad/tape/whatever in the bottom on one side also.

i want to make a cage like this for my male bp who is almost 5 feet (i'm pretty sure hes not going to get much bigger) how big should that cage be.

thanks again for all the help