View Full Version : Question On Crestie Housing

07-08-04, 12:36 PM
How Tall Does The Inclosure Have To Be For Having 1 Crestie it Never Mention hieght ive only been able to find a few caresheets and they never mention hiegh...opinions please,thx

07-08-04, 01:24 PM
Well not so much alot of high but you will want to give them lots of usable space.

I just put egg cartons (from cricket boxes) on there side and this gives the geckos alot more space to hide.

07-08-04, 02:47 PM
So How Big Of A Tank Would One need???

07-08-04, 03:02 PM
one would be fine in something like a 12"18"18".....maybe less, but thats a good size to work with
lots of climbling room is the most important thing....like VDM said, lots of egg cartons are great cause they have tons of surface area and holes to use!

07-08-04, 03:21 PM
Cool,I Just wish i Knew The Gallon Tank A Fire Salamander Would Need now...All the caresheets ive looked at dont have gallons but i do use google,anyways thanks

07-08-04, 03:50 PM
i keep my eastern tiger salamander in a plastic shoebox. my western tigers live in a 20 gallon.

07-08-04, 04:27 PM
Thunder Sry,I meant FIRE salamanders(only ones available here)do you know any care for them?

07-08-04, 04:36 PM
oh! sorry! well the size of enclosure you need for a fire salamander depends on its local as they vary very greatly in size. the one i had was about eight inches long and lived in a 30 gallon 40/60 land/water enclosure. i probably could have kept him in something smaller.

07-08-04, 04:39 PM
if u have other questions bout phibs, pm me.

07-08-04, 04:40 PM
Well the one i might be getting is like only a few inches long...Right no Its in A 10 gallon at the store...i havent heard anything about having water in the tank...How many Have you Kept???(lol this Topic Is Getting Off Cresties,Maybe I Should Post It Somewhere Else)

07-08-04, 04:44 PM
u dont need to have as much water as i did, as long is the water bowl is big enough for the sal to submerge himself, u'll b fine. i only kept one fire salamander, the reason his enclosure was so large was that it was the previous home to other phibs. i have however, kept several other species of salamander and newt.

07-08-04, 04:48 PM
Well,Whats The mininum There inclosure Could be???

07-09-04, 12:17 PM
I'd say a ten gallon (oriented normally, not vertically) would be the minimum for one adult.

I've got some care and caging info and pictures on my website.

Here's a direct link to the Crested Gecko Basics page...


07-09-04, 06:13 PM
Anthony thanks Alot!The Page really helped please Reply on my other Topic On The crested Board,Also You said 1 can live in a ten gallon...but on your site it says this "A minimum cage size for an adult Crested Gecko should be about the equivalent of a 20 gallon tank",On this link: http://www.acreptiles.com/geckos_crested_repashy.htm ....You seem very organized though is there any ill affects of having 1 in a ten gallon???Go look At the other Post ASAP thx.