View Full Version : Web Hosting

07-08-04, 10:50 AM
Hey guys

Ive been using geocities for a while and i would like to host but they say its only for the U.S and such. So i need advice from people who made sites and what program is working for them and if i could transfer the stuff from geocities to this new program your suggesting. Im looking to join a host that lets me have a domain name;ex. .com, .ca etc.


07-08-04, 11:06 AM
You should go with hosting with sSnakeSs.com ;) I'm thinking of getting hosted somewhere too because geocities isn't as reliable as they used to be. Probably you would have to use an ftp program to upload all your html documents and pictures but there's a lot of them out there that are easy to use.

07-08-04, 11:10 AM
I use Crosswinds.net
They have a control panel for managing various things, and it's pretty handy.
I pay 15 Canadian a month for the account, and can have multiple domains on it for no extra cost.
Of course each time you register a domain there's the cost of it's registration, and yearly upkeep. It was 10 or 11 bucks US to register a domain name.

I'm biased in their favor because I used to work there :) They're good people though.

07-08-04, 11:21 AM
oops i forgot to mention that in the meantime if you want your own domain name you could use http://www.dot.tk/ as an alternative... basically you choose YOURDOMAINNAMEHERE.tk and it redirects you to your geocity site...saves you from typing the whole geocity web address :)

Greg West
07-08-04, 11:29 AM
www.surfspeedy.com or www.ipowerweb.com

both are like $6.00 Us/ month including your webname, but the second one is that price if you prepay for 2 years.

I am with ipowerweb right now, but might look again once mine expires. I am sure both are pretty good. I barely ever have any problems with mine

Greg West

07-08-04, 11:42 AM
Ya thats why i liked geocities was cause i didnt have to type in HTML codes and such. But im not sure if these other web hosting is the same as geocities. Cause i dont know much about HTML codes, plus i would like to do things freely


07-08-04, 02:26 PM
there are programs out there that let you creat webpages with minimal html knowledge needed.. personally, i perfer Macromedia Dreamweaver.

good luck in your search

07-08-04, 02:58 PM
Myself and many of my clients are with 1 and 1 internet. http://www.1and1.com . Their lowest Unix package, $4.99 US/month gives you 500 MB of space, includes your domain, and has tons of other features. Their tech support and customer service is absolutely exceptional as well.

07-09-04, 04:33 PM
We have our own server at a site in one of sprints locations... price is right and we get to do what ever we want to the system. (google has NOTHING on my email storage).

07-09-04, 07:00 PM
thanks for that link ken...when my sites done I will forsure be hooking up with them.

A question, whats the difference between the microsoft plan at 4.99 or the normal one at 4.99.

It says 1 domain at no charge..so does that mean for example my adambartman.com for no charge? And is it limited to only microsoft computers or something?

07-09-04, 10:17 PM
Where can i find this program dreamweaver


07-09-04, 11:39 PM
this is a link to Dreamweaver. It's farily expensive, so i suggest the 30 day trial first. They also have a student/teacher discount available, which dramatically reduces the price.

07-10-04, 08:56 PM
Bartman - the difference is the languages you're able to use.... ASP for example, is only available on Windoze hosting. I'd go with the Unix package. UNIX is way more stable and faster than Winblows.

07-14-04, 12:11 PM
I got another question my site is not working on other computers how do i make it work??? is it cause of all the information on the site? Also if i wanna swtich to another program would i be able to swtich it to my new program that i wanna use? Or do i have to start all over again


07-14-04, 03:35 PM
So... The Linux package is better than the Microsoft package?

And what's ASP?

I'm really not understanding.

I'm in the neighborhood for a new webspace provider. I already have a domain name registered for the next two years. I just need a place to provide me with webspace.

Also... when they say subdomains... do they mean http://www.myadress.com/~subdomain OR http://subdomain.myadress.com OR http://www.myadress.com/subdomain ???

07-14-04, 03:39 PM
Nevermind about the subdomain thing. I actually READ and got my answers. Lol.