View Full Version : New geckos!

Kevin McRae
07-07-04, 09:14 PM
I got 2 adult skunk geckos aka white lined geckos today for my birthday(which is in the end of september).They are a male and female and are laying eggs.They are very active geckos, they are eating, mating and the female has even aten the calcium dust in the cage.:)

They are in a 20 gallon aquarium with lots of plants and hide spots.

My brother got them for me so I will have to get him someting................hehehe, I have a colombian boa constrictor right now and the guy I got him from has another for sale, and since I am getting 2 pueblans milks from him, he will surley give me a deal.:D

Anyone else here have a skunk/white lined gecko?

07-07-04, 09:30 PM
I do I do!! Theyre sweet. But incubation is tricky, Ive had eggs incubate for up to 171 days!

07-07-04, 09:35 PM
Originally posted by JeffT
I do I do!! Theyre sweet. But incubation is tricky, Ive had eggs incubate for up to 171 days!

How anxious were you? I would have gone nuts waiting that long :)

07-07-04, 10:59 PM
haha, me too, that is areally long time.
my friend has 2 white lined geckos, but i dont know their sexes. i only saw them once, but they were cool. good luck with them

Kevin McRae
07-08-04, 01:56 AM
The gecko layed an egg at the store and I can see three eggs inside her right now................she loves her calcium, shes been in it all night!

How many eggs should she lay in all?

07-08-04, 12:38 PM
She should lay 2 eggs. Also, its great shes eating lots of cali, laying females need tonns of that stuff if their producing eggs.