View Full Version : We FINALLY have proof that women are EVIL
07-07-04, 06:54 PM
07-07-04, 07:36 PM
Haha! Funny! Thanks fer the laugh!
07-08-04, 12:22 PM
you forget that the square root of (evil squared) COULD be evil, but it could also be negative evil. therefor, girls = evil or negative evil
negative evil = the opposite of evil = good
so: girls = evil OR good
07-08-04, 12:25 PM
nice one thunder!!!!!!!!!w00t woo!
07-08-04, 01:07 PM
Pfft that prooves nothing!
*agrees with Thunder!*:p
07-08-04, 01:31 PM
I always had my suspicions:D
07-08-04, 03:54 PM
Nope. In this case, EVIL is not a variable, and therefore the only possibility is evil.
07-08-04, 03:59 PM
I was never good at math...
07-08-04, 04:08 PM
even if evil is not a variable:
think about it this way: 4 time 4 is sixteen. what is the square root of sixteen? i know that you will be tempted to say 4, but -4 is also the square root of sixteen.
Originally posted by thunder
you forget that the square root of (evil squared) COULD be evil, but it could also be negative evil. therefor, girls = evil or negative evil
negative evil = the opposite of evil = good
so: girls = evil OR good
That would only be true if evil was an element of the set of real numbers (which it is not).
07-08-04, 05:51 PM
I must agree with hhw!
07-08-04, 06:22 PM
Originally posted by thunder
you forget that the square root of (evil squared) COULD be evil, but it could also be negative evil. therefor, girls = evil or negative evil
negative evil = the opposite of evil = good
so: girls = evil OR good
Unfortunately, the term was "root of all evil" not the "root of negative evil" (which can't exist, anyway). Nonetheless, even if you were to square the negative root of evil it would still be positive evil.
07-08-04, 06:31 PM
no, you've got it backwards, a negative times a negative is a positive, whereas the square root of a negative is a multiple of i and therefor not a real number. i being the negative root of -1.
07-08-04, 06:41 PM
See how complicated girls make things? How can this not prove the equation and their relation to evil? haha
07-08-04, 06:43 PM
oh yeah? well so much for the old thought that guys were better at math! ;0
07-08-04, 06:58 PM
Lets see you girls solve this dilema! BTW: Guys like to challenge themselves and if there is two ways of doing things, the simple and hard way, men will take the hard way! LOL!
07-08-04, 07:54 PM
I am so impressed by the math knowledge a former math major, I have to concur with the others that you can not have a negative value under a square root, unless we're in the world of imaginary numbers
I should have suggested that evil exists only in the domain of real numbers, hell, let's make it more simple, lets say that evil must be an integer as well
07-09-04, 03:14 AM
Dilemna? I don't know about all that.
Either way, you men have always been trying to prove that we are evil. I have also heard the old one-liner that anything that bleeds for 5 days and doesnt die must be evil.
Not to be crude, but that is another argument on this subject I am not so fond of.
My thought is that if women are indeed evil, as men like to profess, then i wouldnt mess too much with them =)
Time to start prostrating while you still have time ;)
Alright, let's just accept that the root of all evil can be just evil, or negative evil. Negative or not evil does not mean good.
By definition, we know the following:
1) good -> not evil
2) evil -> not good
However, implying that
3) not evil -> good
is a classical case of confusing the converse with the contrapositive. We can only safely deduce:
from 1), that not (not evil) -> not good, thus
evil -> not good, which is simply 2).
from 2), that not (not good) -> not evil, thus
good -> not evil, which is simply 1).
You can not get to 3) from either 1) or 2).
On another note, the square root of a number being positive OR negative is the inclusive OR.
Therefore, the square root of evil can be:
1) evil
2) negative evil
3) evil AND negative evil
We know 3) to be false, since evil and negative evil are mutually exclusive.
Therefore, the root of all evil must either be 1) XOR (exclusive OR) 2).
Since if the root of all evil is not evil, then evil does not exist. However, we know that evil does exist therefore the root of all evil can not be negative evil.
theres a more fundemental problem with the math here guys......
the first line says girls require time and money
therefore, the math should NOT be
girls = time MULTIPLIED by money
it should be
girls = time PLUS money
hence, time does NOT necessarily equal money and the rest is unproven!
07-09-04, 06:59 AM
My head hurts
*goes back to bed*
07-09-04, 10:39 AM
to complicate things further, since you can define multiplication as a measure of describing things as groups of each other, we'd be saying that girls = money groups of time or, that girls = time groups of money, which makes no sense whatsoever
this thread is awesome, way out of hand
07-09-04, 10:57 AM
a negative number is the mathematical opposite of its positive form. do we all agree on this little fact? therefor negative evil is not "not evil", it is "the opposite of evil". these are two very different things. and i think most people would say that the opposite of evil is good. and as for the inclusive or, we have to take this on a case by case basis, solving for each women as though she were a variable (and we all know that women can be quite variable). in doing this, the or ceases to be inclusive when as we are SOLVING and not just looking at a formula. the problem we look at has not one answer, but an answer set: {evil, good}. but latayzo is right, none of this makes sense due to the initial premise.
07-09-04, 12:20 PM
due to overwhelming amounts of evidence, it is my non-expert opinion that although we can not prove it through mathematics, women remain forever known as said, evil
07-09-04, 01:08 PM
Agreed! LOL.
07-09-04, 01:25 PM
This thread is straight out of Seinfeld! I love it. It was a great read.
07-09-04, 01:30 PM
The square root sign and the square cancel each other, leaving us with evil.
THEN if money is the root of all evil, money would be either positive, or negative, NOT evil, MEANING we can either gain or loose money.
07-09-04, 03:26 PM
Originally posted by thunder
no, you've got it backwards, a negative times a negative is a positive, whereas the square root of a negative is a multiple of i and therefor not a real number. i being the negative root of -1.
You are missing the initial statement and are working it in reverse. The statement was "root of all evil". The formula in the original post shows the exact way it should look. You would be correct if the statement was "the root of the square of 'the root of all evil' " but we aren't looking at that. We are looking precisely at the "positive of 'the root of all evil' ". Make sense?
07-09-04, 08:26 PM
like i said before, prostrate before the women, oh mighty theorists!
07-10-04, 09:28 AM
Next they'll be looking for a mathematical formula to understand us women.
07-10-04, 01:26 PM
(evel=time+work)=money=women. thats easier. no matter how you put it. we still couldn't live without them.
07-10-04, 02:16 PM
I have no idea how a negative number even got into this equation. The square root of a positive number will always be positive. For the whole opposite of two evils thing to be true, then both the evils would have to be negative. Just becasue being evil is a negative trait doesn't make the evil negative.
Money is the root of all evil. Evil is positive here.
The sqaure root of the positive evil would still be positive.
The fact that this thread is so long is a testament to the fact that all women, are indeed, evil.
07-10-04, 02:45 PM
Well, you guys (and evil girls) definately KILLED that joke!:D
to make it even worse this one is the kicker can you get from negative evil x negative evil= a positive evil (a negative evil implies a good thing....not bad)......did you ever here the saying that to goods make a bad....?????? I don't think so.... Also, this theory posted earlier of "negative evil x negative evil= a positive evil" can you do 2 good deeds and it become an evil deed? I think not ....therefore women are evil.
Tim and Julie B
07-21-04, 06:54 PM
Ummm...I think you are all missing the point. GIRLS have BOOBIES and there is no soul on earth that could argue that boobies are evil:D:D:D
07-21-04, 07:05 PM
I only understood Julie and I would have to agree with her
07-21-04, 10:32 PM
hmmm....I'm with Andy, unfortunatly Julie has used her evilness to point out exactly how cool boobies are
07-21-04, 10:55 PM
Hey, we're not all that bad. Besides, its pretty easy to deal with those of us that are sexy!!!:w
07-21-04, 11:00 PM
when naked
07-21-04, 11:03 PM
n[QUOTE]Originally posted by daver676
[B]I have no idea how a negative number even got into this equation. The square root of a positive number will always be positive. For the whole opposite of two evils thing to be true, then both the evils would have to be negative. Just becasue being evil is a negative trait doesn't make the evil negative.
Money is the root of all evil. Evil is positive here.
The sqaure root of the positive evil would still be positive.
The fact that this thread is so long is a testament to the fact that all women, are indeed, evil.
I would just like to say that I am a perfectly evil woman; i have to be in order to put up with goofy -ss men!;) ;) ;)
Tim and Julie B
07-21-04, 11:42 PM
Oh well, men usually like nasty(evil applies) women so we are in a win win situation:D We get to be evil, they get to see our boobies. Everybody is happy in the end!
Gary D.
07-25-04, 11:48 AM
Ok ,I'm not a math major but the arguements are extremely flawed to this point (with the exception of Julies, wich is only partially falwed as my wife doesn't like me seeing too many other boobies) Mat sofar has really been the only one on track.
Lets look at this given:
Girls=F, Evil=E, Money=A and Time=T
F=T+A (this factors in Julie's observation ironically also)
A=root of E (note that F takes lots of A and even more T thus both must undoubtedly be positive variables)
We can then deduce:
F=2x root of E
as we can not assign a value to E (E does not necessarily =1)
The best we can ascertain is that Girls may be evil, but this is not a truth, however girls are at least part evil (duh).
07-25-04, 12:17 PM
Originally posted by Gary D.
Girls=F, Evil=E, Money=A and Time=T
F=T+A (this factors in Julie's observation ironically also)
Gary, I like that equasion... it shows what women are: TnA! lol
Come on ladies, can't argue with it, so ON WITH THE T n A!!!
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