View Full Version : How much do u spend for food, monthly?

Solid Snake
07-06-04, 08:51 PM
i spend at least 60$ a month on my nile a month, he eats aalloooot. I wish they were more like snakes hehe...

but for a nile, they move way too much and burn to much.

what about savanahs? do they eat and are as active as niles?

07-07-04, 10:47 AM
Plan on spending about 1200-1500 per year on food for a Exanthimaticus. I have five monitors right now two of which are Boscs. My large male can eat 2 med rats, or six chicks, or 20 jumbo mice, and even a baby bunny in one feeding. Well not all at one time. lol But that is the type and amount he can pack down in one sitting. Different places charge different amount for their food items so I can't give you an exact amount just a guess.
Your nile should eat around the same amount in a year.
Best of Luck

07-07-04, 10:54 PM
1200-1500 a year? That's like $23-$29/week?

You should be able to keep a Sav well fed (2-4 rats a week) for less than 1/3 of that in CDN $$$.

07-07-04, 11:13 PM
We raise our own rats, so it's about $50 a month for supplies which feeds our 20 snakes and 2 savs who get about 2 each/week plus all the refused meals from the balls!


Solid Snake
07-10-04, 08:49 AM
how much would it cost for ackies?

07-10-04, 11:48 AM
I have 16 dwarf moniters total,I feed them pinkies and crickets,I breed my own mice and buy crickets.all together it runs me about $300 a month, but it's all worth it.


07-12-04, 05:02 PM
i have one savannah monitor and he is about 10 inches tottal length..... he eats around $ 10.00 a week right now,,,, that is 2-3 pinks/fizzies and a dozen crickets 5-6 days a week.....

that will be going up ..... as he gets boigger i am sure...

i also feed 2 adult diamond back terrapins that eat 50 rosy reds a week that another $ 7.00 every week... plus treats....
