07-06-04, 01:24 PM
Hey, out there.
If you havent guessed already, Im new to this site. I dont really know what to write, but i just wanted a to do a formal "hello im new so please be gentle" kinda first post. Anyway, alittle about me, I have only one snake at this moment, his name is Luche, he's a one and a half year old ball python, although im seriously contemplating getting a BCC or BCI soon, so any thoughts or comments on them would be appriciated. Well anyway, this is getting kinda long for a quick hello, so thanks for reading and see yall round.
If you havent guessed already, Im new to this site. I dont really know what to write, but i just wanted a to do a formal "hello im new so please be gentle" kinda first post. Anyway, alittle about me, I have only one snake at this moment, his name is Luche, he's a one and a half year old ball python, although im seriously contemplating getting a BCC or BCI soon, so any thoughts or comments on them would be appriciated. Well anyway, this is getting kinda long for a quick hello, so thanks for reading and see yall round.