View Full Version : quick question

07-06-04, 09:35 AM
i'm getting a female BRB to put with my male and my question is: is it ok to put BRB's together??? im pretty sure it is but i just wanted to make sure... also! who are some breeders that you all have delt with that have awesome BRB's?


07-06-04, 10:32 AM
Dont put two snakes together. It causes so many more problems in the long run and snakes are solitary creatures anyways. Best thing to do is seperate the two snakes and only put them together for breeding. If one snake gets sick most likely the other one will two doubling any problem you would have had.

Jeff Favelle has some of the nicest BRB's ive ever seen. He would be my first choice.

07-06-04, 01:24 PM
Jeff Clark produces some of the nicest boas in the US. I would definitely recommend him as a first choice.