View Full Version : New Three toed pics

07-05-04, 05:01 PM
Hi all, I usually frequent the general lizard forum and a few others but I recently acquired an awesome little three toed boxie and wanted to share a pic. I accidentally dropped a piece of corn (which comes with the mixed veggies) into the dish and he got it before I could remove it. However, this guy loves his strawberries, beans, kale, carrots, watermelon, etc. He eats everything which is great!

I do have one question though. Should a young box turtle be hibernated or is there a certain age at which hibernation should begin?





07-05-04, 05:21 PM
i keep my boxies indoors for their fist winter, and after that they go to the adult pen outside and hibernate. make sure u get some protein into that diet.

07-05-04, 06:46 PM
Yep, protein is incorporated into his diet through various foods. I rotate what I feed him each day of the week so he gets a good balance of all the essentials. Thanks for the info!


07-05-04, 07:43 PM
heehee, i love your avatar! that pic totally explains why i don't like snakes! all other reptiles i love but just not snakes! your lil boxie is tha' bomb! may i ask , how long and wide is he? also which foods do you feed to incorporate that protien? im looking to adopt some res and if they are babies i would like to know all there is to giving them some good protien with as little fat as possible.

Congrats on your new pal!


07-06-04, 02:39 PM
Hi Nicole, thanks for the compliments! Here's a webpage that may help with a brief description of some possible foods to include in a diet. I've used most of the ones listed in this so far. The next big thing for me is to build a secure outdoor pen for the little guy during the summer.

Turtle Diet (http://centralpets.com/pages/critterpages/reptiles/turtles/TUR2615.shtml)
