View Full Version : Couple of cool finds

07-05-04, 12:40 PM
My wife and I went out this morning to some trails and noticed these on the way:
Baby gopher tortoise
and this
juvenile southern hognose snake!
Not bad for a few hours.

07-05-04, 01:05 PM
Not bad at all Mark! I haven't even been able to find a garter yet this year. My goal for around her though is to find a smooth green snake.

07-05-04, 02:28 PM
WOW!!! Awesome finds man!! Good to know there's still simus out there to be found.

07-05-04, 02:59 PM
2 great finds!an indigo snake would have made it the perfect grand slam!!!!!!

07-05-04, 03:03 PM
Found one of those last year just a few miles from where I was today. You're right indigos are extremely cool.
A pine would have made just as big a thrill.

07-07-04, 06:10 AM
the only southern pine I have ever found had half his head cut off.......freshly killed and left on a dirt road where I was herping...5 footer...sickening!....

07-07-04, 11:44 AM
That is the worst image ever. A good friend and herping buddy was just yards away from a man who appeared to be looking down at something on the ground with great disdain. By the time my friend figured out what was going on (you know how you can just tell when someone is about to kill a snake?) the guy had shot a 6' pine with his shot gun. Unbeleiveble people still kill animals just because they don't respect them.

07-07-04, 04:29 PM
"Unbeleiveble people still kill animals just because they don't respect them." sorry, Mark, I think you may be giving people too much credit...they kill them because they are so f&^%ing stupid. They are too stupid to even have a clue. As you well know they still eat Gopher tortoises up here in the panhandle....and then poor gasoline down the burrows to get the rattlers out...have you EVER seen skid marks before a DOR snake???? never...in fact I believe a study was done to demonstrate that people will swerve to hit snakes if a rubber snake is put in the road....

07-07-04, 05:38 PM
here's another photo of that snake just to ruin your evening ...sorry:(

07-07-04, 06:56 PM
When I was in east TX some yrs. ago, I noticed that the local "fun thing to do" was to run over any snake on the road (or shoulder)
Thing is, not only did they do this, they skidded on purpose to slide over the serpent and make sure it was mashed like paste into the pavement! It seems the thought is that you need to do this to make sure they're dead. There was many of the old wives' tales about snakes alive and well there too.
Witnessed a pair of idiots this past week running over snakes and frogs on one of "my" cruisin' roads. I alternately get mad then sick.

07-07-04, 09:10 PM
I am lucky to only have witnessed a snake deliberately being killed, and unfortunately I was too late, and too young to know until it was too late.

However, if I ever see someone killing a snake after I told them not to, I'll cut off their head and skid over their dead body. Maybe I'll even mount the ******* in my living room.

What is this world coming to?

07-10-04, 12:24 AM
Originally posted by crimsonking
When I was in east TX some yrs. ago, I noticed that the local "fun thing to do" was to run over any snake on the road (or shoulder)
Thing is, not only did they do this, they skidded on purpose to slide over the serpent and make sure it was mashed like paste into the pavement! It seems the thought is that you need to do this to make sure they're dead. There was many of the old wives' tales about snakes alive and well there too.
Witnessed a pair of idiots this past week running over snakes and frogs on one of "my" cruisin' roads. I alternately get mad then sick.

EWW thats pretty sickening. I dont see how people can be so cruel to something so innocent like an animal. :eek: