View Full Version : hes getting worse, not better?

07-03-04, 02:00 PM
I dont get it. Ive been going with the "handle everyday" route for my savannah monitor, and today he bit me. He even hissed a little.

What I do is take him out probably every 3 or 4 days, and take him to the washroom where I know if he runs out of my hand he cant go anywhere but around the floor. So sometimes he just walks around and when I move he jets away. I would usually hold him with my finger in between his left arm inbetween my index and middle finger with my thumb over top his body..and same thing with his legs but with my other hand.

When I would rest his head on my leg he stops moving..but then when I lift him he get really alert and starts squirming. I try not to make it like im holding him to tight and make him scared or something so i let him walk out of my hand and run into a corner or something. Then today I went to get him like usuall from the corner and he bit my thumb. Not a bad bite, drew some blood but I put some polysporin just incase.

What am I doing right or wrong and is he done for, temperment wise. Like will he never be tame now..hes about a foot and a half id say and is growing quickly...i need him to be calm, well i WANT him to be calm before he gets to big. Now i know what i was in for when i bought him so its not the worst thing in the world if he/she has an attitude, but obviously id rather him not. At least so i can take him out without being petrified.


07-03-04, 02:14 PM
You've done nothing wrong. It's natural. Hes showing you his limitations imo... They will allow you to handle somedays, somedays they wont. You gotta learn to read him. Hissing is normal too. My sav is a little windbag, hes always hissing and pissy. Once out hes fine. Learn how not to get bit :) it is possible.

07-03-04, 02:33 PM
Alright..so should i keep doing the same thing? Is their better times to handle then others..early in the morning, late at night, after or before feeding..things like that?

07-03-04, 02:35 PM
Yaa keep it up Bartman. Your sav still has lots of time to calm down. Try holding him with a towel or cloth draped over the front half of his body so he can't see. When I hold my albigs I dont let them run away. I think most monitors are smart enough to learn which body mechanism to use to get away. If you let him go when he hisses and bites he will hiss and bite to get away. If he is forced to sit there through the whole tantrum I think he is more likely to stop the unwanted behavior.

07-03-04, 02:39 PM
and if u do pick him up while he is hissing or otherwise looking pissed, use a glove. this is not just for your safety, if he sees that by biting u he has hurt you, and u are backing off, it reenforces the negative behavior. with the glove u can ignore the biting until he calms himself down.

07-03-04, 02:41 PM
Well Adam, you now get to see your monitor act like a monitor. Sounds like he is getting big enough to start showing you how far he's willing to let you go. Start waiting until he comes to you when cleaning and stuff. If you can, open his cage and sit on the floor in front of the door and let him come out. Don't go grabbing him when he's asleep of in his hide.
Something else came into mind when reading the post. Do you wash your hands before handling? If he smells food on your fingers, he might think they are yummy.


07-03-04, 02:53 PM
Well i dont but didnt touch anything that is food like. I actually didnt do anything reptile related and was just starting to do the usual cleanings, started at his tank and figured id take him out. He didnt bite me until about 15 mins after being out.

Ill keep trying, but since his tank opens from the top i acnt let him walk out, but will try and keep trying. Thanks for all the reply's

I wash my hands anyways just incase :)

07-03-04, 08:24 PM
this is where the whole 'handle them every day until they become tame' method falls apart.

I'm a big one for leaving them alone until they are ready, let them approach you, make slow movements only etc.

07-03-04, 10:52 PM
Ill try that..because getting bit is nooooo fun!