View Full Version : Northern Pinesnake babies!!!!

Scales Zoo
07-02-04, 11:53 PM
I was in Cypress doing a 3 day reptile display, and last night when I talked to Sheila she told me that the northern pinesnakes had hatched.

I was very releived as I was worried that the eggs were too moist. They bulged early on, and did not dimple near the end.

It was 69 days at 78 - 81 F.

Long story short, I'm home tonight and there are 7 perfect little Timber babies in rubbermaids. The things are huge, It would take a cornsnake 6 months to get this big. They all popped out of the egg within 12 hours of each other.

Baby pits are so cute, our little bulls we had in 2002 (42 days at the same temps by the way) were some of the cutest baby snakes we ever had, with their little grover eyebrows.

Hopefully Vanan will get a chance to post the pictures he took of them, as they are real cuties - wee replicas of their parents. Katt and Vanan got to see them before I did.

We were lucky enough to be give another Northern pinesnake. We were told it was a male, but is actually a female which has bred with Timber. If we get no more eggs this year, we will try both females next year - northern pines are so awesome.


07-03-04, 08:40 AM
Man, you guys need to get your digital camera back! :D

Congratulations! :)

07-03-04, 09:20 AM

can't wait to see the pictures of those cuties~~

07-03-04, 10:24 AM
I vouche for their cuteness. They are terribly CUTE!! What li'l hissers, and there seems to be a lot of colour on them, this may be due to them being blue (possibly), but they're just the sweetest li'l things.

07-03-04, 10:29 AM
Sweet man! And yes, when are you guys going to get back into the digital world? All these babies and no pics!:(

Scales Zoo
07-03-04, 10:56 AM
Tim, Trevor - I know I need a digital camera, but we've needed rats and paid utility bills more so in the last few months.

But now we have babies, I will take a digital camera in trade for baby snakes - I'm not joking, try me. Not having a camera is killing me, I've missed taking pictures of so many cool things.

Oh, yeah, thanks for reminding me.


07-03-04, 01:18 PM
lol.... maybe we can get Walter to have one as a door prize in Red Deer. I'll trade it to you if I win! ;)

Scales Zoo
07-03-04, 06:12 PM
I weighed one baby, it weighed 42 grams. I hear cornsnakes babies are usually around 8 grams, and I read that amethystine pythons (the 5th largest snake in the world) babies weigh 50-60 grams.


07-03-04, 08:56 PM
Congrats, Ryan and Sheila!! :)

07-03-04, 10:27 PM
Congrats guys!!

07-04-04, 12:12 AM
COOL! Mark

07-04-04, 01:32 AM
congrats Ryan.. I used to breed black and white Jersey Pines, and yes those are nice big babies... big eggs= big babies... I seem to recal those eggs are almost twice the size of Honduran eggs, similar to Indigo eggs, without the bumps

07-04-04, 07:31 PM
Thought you guys might like to see this. The prettiest of the bunch.

<img src="http://img55.photobucket.com/albums/v167/Vanan/Snakes/babyNpine1.jpg">

07-04-04, 08:35 PM
AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA JUST ONE PIC!?!?!?! j/k why do you tease us! He is awesome, how much do those guys usually run USD

07-04-04, 09:47 PM
Woo hoo!!!!

We got to take home one of these li'l beauties. Not the one pictured, that one is still available. (Someone buy him, he's the most colourful!)

A few were hissy, but a few were really nice and sweet. My new guy is real sweetie. They're all in shed right now. They're big too! Wow!

07-05-04, 09:00 AM
Congratulations on the new pits - that one looks fantastic - very nice snakes. Thanks to Vanan for the photos,

mary v.