View Full Version : Measuring problem

Kevin McRae
07-02-04, 11:20 PM
I am trying to meausure my BCI but he/she won't stay straight, she/he will always move her/his body in a curled position.Could I meausure his/her shedded skin, would that be the same?I know they get bigger after the shed but at least the shedded skin would give me an idea of his/her size.

07-02-04, 11:32 PM
Take a piece of string that is longer than the snake and use that to stretch down the body stopping at different points along the way to make sure you move your hand to secure the string as you go. Then measure the string afterwards.

07-02-04, 11:39 PM
or use a measuring tape

07-03-04, 01:45 AM

use the above program if you have a digital camera. works great if you follow the instructions

07-03-04, 10:07 AM
I use one of those floppy tape measures used to measure fabric, it works quite well and not as awkward as a metal tape measure

07-03-04, 01:06 PM
If you cannot get any pics for the program, you can also try letting them travel alongside a wall in a room. They will almost always go straight. String along the spine can also work ok.

As for measuring sheds, it won't work. A snakes skin can stretch almost double while being shed, depending on external factors.